The White Knight Rises..........

24 Sep 2008
St. Neots, cambs
The White Knight Rises……

I finished latest Water cooled build in my White Coolermaster CM 690 II a while back and It has been sitting next to me on my desk but every time I look at it I think its missing something.

So I decided to apply a theme of Batman to my case but since my case is white this project will be renamed the White Knight. I don’t intend to do any major mods as the case just a couple of aesthetic mods that I hope will finish the project nicely.

Here is the case as it stands at the moment:





Design/Theme Ideas

I want to at some subtle Dark knight references throughout the case. I have collected these images as inspiration for the time being. The images are all stickers that can be resized to fit on my case, but I don’t just want to cover the case in stickers as I don’t want it toll look like a 3yr old has designed it!





Plan Of Action


My main issue with my cases aesthetics is the front of it. I needed a fan controller but none exist in white and I have tried to paint/spray some white but with no luck.


So my plan is to use the Black XSPC facia for the res and spray the white mesh bay which is between the res and the fan controller Black so the whole section will be black.


To finish off the front of the case will cover up the Coolermaster logo with the following Batman Logo. The silver/grey will match nicely with the chrome strips on the front of the case and also the silver buttons on the fan controller. There are actually meant to gone on alloy wheels but at 6mm they are the perfect size. I might also be able to use them as badges for my fans.



I Plan on getting a window cut into the side panel and also the project name cut into the side. Please excuse the uber basicness of my design!! I think I will stick to just “White Knight” as I’m not sure if I have enough room to fit “The White Knight” but we shall see. I also need to decide on what type of font I want the lettering, but I may just have to choose from the fonts the company cutting the window has. I plan on using clear plexi on the main window then some blue plexi behind the “white Knight” to make it stand out.


Please suggest any design ideas that you can think off, I always welcome other peoples ideas :)
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After to originally deciding not to change any of the tubing layout, my psu died and had to rma it. But because its such a tight fit I needed to take the rad out at the bottom of the case to get the psu out. So I decided to change the layout and out came the drill!

First to go was the 2 remaining hard drive bays, I have an ssd and another 2.5 drive that I will mount on the back of the mobo. I decided to remove tha hard drive cage so i could mount the pump on the underside of the 5.35 bays.


Then I needed to cut a whole in the bottom of the 5.25 bay so i could pass the tubing from my bay res to the pump. Not the cleanest hole in the workd but the rubber grommet hides it :)



Next job was to mount the pump and connect the tubing. Really happy how the tubing to the rad looks, but the tubing from the res to the pump doesn't look as good as I had imagined. Might look better with fluid in.


Poped in a bit of fluid to check for leakes. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make the tubing from the res to the pump better please let me know.

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If you stick a 45 degree fitting onto the pump that'll neaten up that routing considerably.

Alternatively, suspend the pump from the res (through the hole you've made) and then route it to the rad, probably to the other port. (this would be the neater solution looking at it)
If you stick a 45 degree fitting onto the pump that'll neaten up that routing considerably.

Alternatively, suspend the pump from the res (through the hole you've made) and then route it to the rad, probably to the other port. (this would be the neater solution looking at it)

Thanks for the suggestions, another idea i thought off was to get 3 or for off the tread extenders comming from the pump to below the whole and then stick a 90 deg fitting on it and have a straight bit of tube going into the res.

Like these, but would get some black ones
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Don't use a solid link, it'll transmit vibrations.

A piece of hose will keep things a lot quieter.
No updates for a while as i have been waiting for some fittings and then i had to get a new cpu block becuase my xspc rasa decided that it was going to keep shorting my motherboard! random stuff.

Wilst i have been waiting for stuff i have been trying to sort out my cable management and braiding the last of my fan cables. I have also been collecting batman items to customise the build and have made a custom xbox 360 controller case to match with the build.

I know have all the fittings so will assemble the loop tonight.

Here is a teaser pic of the front, although i still need to spray the white drive bay black.

As promised here are some pictures, well lots of pictures!! I am super chuffed how it has turned out, nice when things go to plan!!! I have done a full leak test and just need to bleed the system then sort out the cable management. Over the weekend I will finish off the finishing touches and batmanify (made up a new word) the build!!

Enjoy the pics, your feedback as always is welcomed!







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