The Witcher 2 - Thread

PC Format UK have reviewed an early version, (pre-release) version of The Witcher 2 and this is what they had to say:

Pro's: Involving Combat, Stupendous Visuals, Varied gaming.

If the bugs are stamped out (awkward pathfinding), we've got a new king of role-playing to doff our caps to. Witcher 2 is vast, varied and challenging.
I'm not sure how it's possible at this stage but I am now even more excited.

It’s astonishing to look at – doubly so if your graphics card is up to Ultra settings, but even medium and high looks pretty spectacular. This is one of those all-too-rare games where the PC’s technological superiority over its console fun-box cousins simply can’t be denied. It’s designed to be a PC game, to make the very best of the PC, and it shows -
There’s not too much signposting of sidequests. This isn’t an artificial place waiting for you to turn up and fix all its problems – it’s there anyway, doing its own thing, and you have to make it work for you. Get out there and explore, chat to people, nose at billboards, create your own story through the game. No big yellow arrows to denote quests here, just a big, subtle world to figure you way through.
Oh yes, lovely!!

Take Note Bioware you console derps! :D
absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! compare that village to the whole of kirkwall!!!!! :p :D :) :)

According to bioeaware they were going to do a lush world with lots of colour and tree's but felt the players were not really interested in that and wanted more time spent in combat so something awesome happens.

Lol ^
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