The Witness out tomorrow(reviews in)

7 Aug 2013

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IGN - 10/10
Videogamer - 10/10
Destructoid - 10/10
Game Revolution - 5/5
We Got This Covered - 5/5
Giant Bomb - 5/5
Examiner - 5/5
Game Informer - 9.25/10 - 9/10
PlayStation Lifestyle - 9/10
Gamespot - 9/10 - 9/10
PC World - 4.5/5
PCGamer - 89
GamePro (German) - 85/100
Hardcoregamer - 4/5
Escapist - 4/5
Daily Dot - 4/5
Venture Beat - 70/100 - 7/10
PlayStation Universe - 6.5/10
Gamesradar - 3/5

Eurogamer - Recommended

EDIT: I guess many haven't even heard of this, so here's a vid to give you an idea:

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Ummm, cool?

Never heard of it, no links in the OP, soooo, what is it? What's your opinion on it?
Sorry, figured most people at least knew what this was by now.

It's a 1st person, open world puzzle game developed by Jonathan Blow, the guy who made Braid. This has been in development since 2008 and was originally set for release in 2012, but was pushed back indefinitely so he didn't have to pare back his ambitions with the game with last-gen hardware.

Game is supposed to be quite involved and lengthy and is also stunningly beautiful. Kind of a throwback to Myst/Riven-era puzzle games in terms of its esoteric and exploration-based nature, but with modern 3D game design.

I'll throw a link into the OP.
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Hmmmm, from the vids, it seems 85% of the puzzles are mazes, 3D or 2D.
The game is apparently a bit deceptive in that. 'Puzzle' can mean several different things in this game, with the mazes only being one aspect of them, though they do kind of form the foundation for things.

Blow seems to want to keep a lot of the more deeper aspects of the gameplay/puzzling hidden for the user to discover on their own rather than show too much.

A few people so far have said it's the sort of game you'll want to get pen and paper out for as you play.
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Saw this on Steam and did look good but £29.99 price tag even for someone independent you want to give money to sounds a tad high.
A developer being independent doesn't make them lesser than somebody else.

It has every bit the polish of a AAA game and it's apparently good for 30-50 hours to beat(though not necessarily complete ;) ). If Portal 2 and The Talos Principle can be full priced games and justify it, there's zero reason why this can't also. In fact, it's *less* than 'traditional' full price.
Always thought it was billed as a ps4 exclusive
Sony has certainly done their best to make it seem that way. Pretty much all the marketing for it has been specifically for the PS4 version and even some reviewers seem unaware it's also a PC title.

Big shame, cuz this is a game I feel could do well on PC, but I think its sales will not be as strong because it hasn't been advertised.
I might wait for the RPS review.
Nobody in the world will have the exact same tastes as you. RPS has 6+ different people who do reviews and there's no chance that they all align perfectly with each other(and yourself).

The best way to handle reviews is to read a bunch of them. Pick some favorites out if you want, that's cool, but never ever treat any one place as gospel, cuz they are just people with personal opinions as much as anywhere else.
I don't think I phrased that correctly, I meant that being independent I normally even more inclined to pay more for their efforts but this seems a little steep. Probably nab this when it's under £20 which already seems close with some key sites.
I really dont understand. This game is much larger and more polished than your normal indie game, and you say you're already willing to spend more for indie games than other games, yet you find this one too steep? :confused:
Is it story driven like Talos Principle/Portal? I'm also having trouble getting around the fact it costs £30 but if it really is as good as I am hearing maybe it's worth a look.
The story is there to discover, but it's not laid out in front of you. There's no directed 'narrative'. You will have to put things together yourself.
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