The word 'cum' in professional publications

Cumin: A small, slender annual herb of the carrot family, cultivated in the Mediterranean region, India, China, and Mexico. Its seeds, which are actually dried fruits, are used in many mixed spices, chutneys, and chili and curry powders. Cumin is especially popular in Asian, North African, and Latin American cuisines. Its oil is used in perfumes, for flavoring liquors, and for medicinal purposes.
Cumin: A small, slender annual herb of the carrot family, cultivated in the Mediterranean region, India, China, and Mexico. Its seeds, which are actually dried fruits, are used in many mixed spices, chutneys, and chili and curry powders. Cumin is especially popular in Asian, North African, and Latin American cuisines. Its oil is used in perfumes, for flavoring liquors, and for medicinal purposes.
So, seed-cum-fruit?
If this isn’t the post of the day, humanity has failed.

… well that escalated quickly! :eek:

And what competition is this anyway?! I can only imagine a secret subforum where the elite chosen members decide this in a ritual, complete with chanting, candles and masks… as they, uh, post.
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'cross-cum-shot' (football)
'SUV-cum-MPV' (cars)
'sofa-cum-bed' (furniture)

Why? Just use something else, the word is ruined now :D

Think I've found an instance of cross-cum-shot
… well that escalated quickly! :eek:

And what competition is this anyway?! I can only imagine a secret subforum where the elite chosen members decide this in a ritual, complete with chanting, candles and masks… as they, uh, post.
Too those of us privileged enough to be in involved, it’s considered bit of a tradition-cum-party
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