Theft attempt

11 Jul 2009
Some low life tried to steal my zx10 last night when i was over in selly oak:mad:,they bolt cropped the padlock but looksliek they got disturbed and left it

thank god they didnt mangle the ignition lock as they cost a fortune

just beware where you chain it up ect,was my fault i guess as i used a dingy lit carpark

now im left with a chain and need a good padlock, recommendations anyone?

looking at the oxford monster locks but they only come with the chain which i dont need
this was when i was out n about,


thats the lock it was a squire lock n chain,i was thinking of this though

it looks too thick for bolt croppers
they obviously heard on the internetz that your wonder bike only needs £6 to fill so decide to pinch it and sell the technology :P

Unlucky chap.. Almax time !!

haha probably,cant have **** all these days,thieving *******s

do these almax chains come with padlocks? im only after a good padlock really,looks impressive though

just be carefull all of you,i was so lucky
thanks for that link,the above lock that got cropped was a squire,the names wore off it but its a good 6-7 years old now,tbh i dont trust my old chain either

they ought to crop the thieves fingers off when they catch them:D
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nah,there was no damage to my bike just the padlock snipped,they either got disturbed or they are planning on me parking in the same spot next week without a lock on it? idk

theres no way for them to hotwire it as its kawasaki immobilized,my guess is they would have lifted into a van and broke it up later for spares

its just gonna make me even more aware of locking it up and in a well lit place now,ill take this as a warning
yeah true,they might patrol that carpark more often

@DanF have you got one of these chains? what version the series 3 or 4? 4 might be too heavy,just checked my old chain its 15mm thick
how heavy are these chains? i need to carry it in my rucksack

@apeksdiver trouble with a disclock though is it doesnt stop them lifting the bike into the back of a transit van
Might still stop them rolling it, if they need to roll it or havent brought anything to roll it on. For the sake of a second to put it on, and £30, could save the bike going walkies. I chain mine and disk lock it when parked in public places.

yeah true,its definitely woke me up on getting something more secure,the padlock i had and thought was strong turned out to be made of butter:eek:
the series 4 are HUGE,id need to be arnold schwarzenegger to carry that around,ill get me a series 3 chain

just discovered my front fork seal is leaking aswell,one thing after the other:(
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