<Theme Hospital Download>

I remember playing that aaagges ago.

Also isn't that site a competitor? Well atleast some of the links are
i just found this game the other day in a big box, it's still a classic. I also found Syndicate Wars!!!! Now that was a game. :D
Great game, shame I've not got it any more :(

benjo said:
I remember playing that aaagges ago.

Also isn't that site a competitor? Well atleast some of the links are

From what I can see, it's okay, though the name is rather dodgy.
It got hard towards the end, I remember having masses of trouble with that infection thing that where the go green and infect others.

having machines blow up and not being able to build on that area again became a problem too :o
Shouldnt need to run it compatability mode, i have the full version, it works as is.

Fun game for a while when you get bored, then like the last poster it gets to a point where infections become huge and stuff keeps breaking, it then turns into more of a chore then a fun game.

Love the game though, we need some more good game like this classic!....
One of my all-time fave games, been gathering dust on the shelf for ages because I thought it wouldn't work in XP, hmm, might give it a go, "King Complex" anyone? :D
man that game pwned :P there was a guy in our school who had a slighty large head. And as an laugh we used to say Go to the defaltor room if he got annoying. :rolleyes:
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