Theory Test...

27 Aug 2003
ok guys, in the next 2-6 weeks i will be becoming fully licensed.

i have booked my theory test for the 7th and have yet to start reading up. i had a quick look on youtube as to what the hazard perception is about and seems very straight forward.

now, for the written part, over the years i have picked up some stuff but need to get my knowledge up to testing standard. how did you guys do it? can anybody recommend books, websites, dvd's etc. or would learning the highway code be enough.

I passed mine first time a month or so a go.
I downloaded the free apps on my phone, and worked through the free questions the night before whilst watching the TV.

edit: just noticed this is in the bike section. I was referring to the car theory test. Though I imagine they are similar in difficulty
I just turned up and did it, I didnt have to do a theory test for my car test , it was the first time doing one, I didnt get 100% but I passed.
the only different bit( I wont say difficult as it wasnt) was the hazard perception part


Ive recently just passed my motorbike theory and the only hard part was the 50 questions. I did worse this time on the questions than I did when I did my car but it was very, very similar. Either buy a DVD from their website or use applications on your phone. If your an android user, I would recommend; MotorcycleTheoryTest and Road Signs Free. I used these and that was a very, very good way to prep for your theory test as I did it on breaks in college, when I'm bored and just before I gone to bed. Hazard perception is easy if your a daily road user or if you have common sense.

Basically, the hardest part is the questions, and hazard perception is a walk in the park. It will tell you what you have to do which is click once you see a hazard (EG: person reversing from drive) and you click again if you see the hazard progress (car keeps coming out of drive). It scores you the time it took you to see the hazard and anticipated the hazard. Easy!

Best of luck and hope you do well :)
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theory test was passed with no problem at all.

didn't quite get the 100% i wanted but i was close, 2 questions wrong.

however with hazard perception, i passed but missed quite a few points. i'm still not quite sure if i was supposed to be clicking potential hazards or just the red ones that they show "developing". *shrugs*

today is first day of real training, "conversion to 500cc" and road riding. tomorrow it will be MOD1 training ready for MOD1 monday morning. Then more training for potential MOD2 pass on wednesday.
I found the hazard perception tests ridiculous, but I passed both car and bike theory tests so must have done something right.
if it told you every time you clicked correctly it would help. if they did a demo run, and then point out when you marked things late or missed things.

road riding went ok today, but as i hadn't ridden for 7 months and just jumped right back in, i needed a lot of work to tidy stuff up and will need a few more hours just to get some stuff spot on.

also from being a daily cyclist and generally the thing furthest to the left all the time its hard to convert from doing "life savers" only over my right shoulder!

MOD1 training tomorrow, should be fun. cone dodging.
I passed the theory myself last Tuesday...

Hazzards easy, probably easier if you already drive (65/75 I got). The questions are easy BUT you have to get 86% minimum to pass and that's a high % so (I got 46/50)... I'd reccomend reading highway code (available free on government website site)...

Don't worry about it though, they'll be 2-3 hard ones, loads of time... just make sure you know your signs and rules at box junctions/junctions etc...
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I'll be doing my bike theory soon as well.

I passed my car theory first time with the Driving Test Success All Tests Edition and have bought the latest version for my bike theory (just make sure you choose motorcycle when setting it up). There are also some free iPhone apps (and a fairly highly rated AA one for £2.99 I think) which will be handy when you're out and about - it's definitely helped me having a mobile version.

There are also some very good tips on hazard perception on the Driving Test Success software, it basically explains how the test works, when you should click, etc.

Apparently the DSA have now included some questions that they won't be publishing, this is to make you learn the highway code/rules rather than just remember the questions in the theory. I'm not sure how many of these questions exist though as they only introduced the rule at the beginning of this year IIRC.
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ok, another day on the grind! but at 2:00 in the afternoon today i managed to pass MOD1 had 2 minors, one for stalling trying to pull off too fast for the emergency stop and the second for not going fast enough on hazard avoidance on the first go. so now the tricky bit, MOD2 at 8am! eek, i work night shift i'm normally going to bed at that time! should be fun. hope i remember to wake up first!
Nice one....mod 1 is generally assumed to be the harder of the two, as half the things you need to do on it are not naturally come across.....hell, I can't remember last time I needed to do figure of 8....oh hang on I was my mod 1 :D

Good luck on yr mod 2

"turn right at the junction" ok, so it's a junction with feeder lane and set of lights with right turn arrow. so i pull up at the stop line all nice and tidy. Lights cycle to single green and no right turn arrow. So I wait...and wait some more, on-coming traffic is still coming. so I sit. Then back to red with no arrow. Green comes around again. same situation. cycles back to red. At this point the instructor comes across the headpiece saying that i need to move out when it is green to go on and then the right turn will light up.

i feel its a very silly mistake and something that i should have known how to deal with. but pulling out with out the right hand turn light just seemed wrong?!

ohh well. can always re-book.

EDIT: insult to injury, the next test is a month away. they seriously can't be that busy!
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That sucks, especially the 1 month wait! :(

How many days in total did your DA course take you? Also, who did you take it with our of interest? (I'm taking mine in July :))
generally its 5 with cbt, 4 if not, but i only had 3 6hour days, i might need another couple of hours before my retake as it would have been nearly a month of not riding!
That is a **** situation tbh...I have never ever seen a set of lights like tht and I have been on the road for 25 yrs. I would have no doubt done exactly as you, as surely the idea of the green filter is to only let you proceed once the other traffic coming the other way had stopped. Was the test route somewhere new to you? How the hell can you be expected to deal with these one off situations...imagine had you seen this type of light before and upon normal green coming on, had proceeded over the line, expecting arrow to come on, only to find that the arrow sequence was due would have failed this also. Why can't the road agencies have standard setups for junctions....that way we are all on the same page.
Bad times mate...better luck next time :(
I have never seen a set of lights like that. I'd have failed as well.

It sucks, but put it down to experience and have another go. At least you'll know what to do if they take you that way again! :)
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