There are gains coming, Mr Wayne.

25 Sep 2006
So here I am at the next chapter in my lifting journey. (Previous chapters here, here)

I feel that a fresh log is required as quite a bit went on in the last one and that it's become a bit of a mish mash. For those that aren’t familiar with the training style/philosophy I’ve adopted of the years Dante Trudel sums it up well.

If you never get anywhere close to your ultimate strength levels, you will never get close to your utmost level of potential size.

Full quote:
I believe he who makes the greatest strength gains [in a controlled fashion] makes the greatest muscle gains. Note that I said strength gains. Everybody knows someone naturally strong who can bench 405 yet isn’t that big. Going from a 375 bench to 405 isn’t an incredible strength gain and won’t result in much of a muscle mass gain. If someone goes from 150 to 405 for reps, that incredible strength gain will equate to an incredible muscle mass gain. Ninety-nine percent of bodybuilders are brainwashed that they must go for a blood pump, and those same 99% stay the same year after year. It’s because they have no plan. They go in, get a pump and leave. They give the body no reason to change. A power-bodybuilding game plan stresses continually getting stronger on key movements, and the body protects itself by getting muscularly larger. If you never get anywhere close to your ultimate strength levels, you will never get close to your utmost level of potential size.

This also ties in with what Dorian Yates said in part of a documentary I have seen:

‘If you are getting heavier but not stronger then you’re just getting fat’.

Cliffs: I train for strength & size. Depending on the time of the year one may take priority over the other but the two are inter-related and I don’t neglect either. Correlation isn’t linear but nevertheless exists. Strength progression is also easily gauged where as size is not so straight forward.


I’m fond of higher frequency lower volume work, I haven’t trained a traditional bodybuilding ‘split’ in coming up to 4 years now. Full body, push/pull or upper lower for me. I’ve also used powerlifting programs such as the Ed Coan Deadlift Routine and Smolov Jnr for bench. I dabbled with Russian Masters Squat Routine but coupled with the other two something had to give. Hypertrophy Specific Training, Doggcrapp and PHAT have featured recently too in my programme and in the last year I’ve been at my strongest ever. Mobility work makes regular appearances both as a preventative to injury and to maintain flexibility.

2014 PB’s @ 93-95KG

Bench – 150KG

Squat – 210KG RAW

Deadlift – 222.5KG

Total: 582.5KG

2014 PB’s @ 86KG

Front Squat – 150KG RAW

If you’ve been following I’m now sitting at 85/86KG at approximately 12% bodyfat, 5’10 height.


About 5 years ago I discovered Intermittent Fasting, it suited me perfectly. I like big meals, found eating every 2-3 hours stressful and unsatisfying and don’t over eat as a result. Last year CBL crushed my aversion for carbs and I now realise their importance for growth. IIFYM has also made an appearance during my recent cut, helping to keep me sane, and will be staying with me moving forward (also paying attention to micronutrients too).

Foods I demolish include:

Beef, Steak, Turkey, Chicken, Ostrich, Kangaroo, Zebra, Horse, Boar, Veal, Ham, Pork, Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna, eggs, egg whites, nuts, raisins, cous cous, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, oats, pitta’s, white rice, pasta, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, spinach, kale, peppers, avocado, beetroot, apples, pears, pineapple, strawberries & other mixed berries, bananas, bread (white & wholemeal), mushrooms, green beans, mange tout, protein pancakes, homemade pizza, almond milk, cheeses, low fat cheesecake (homemade) etc etc

Some of the IIFYM:

Chocolate, frozen yoghurt, pop tarts, cake.

Between 10-15% of my diet would be typically 'dirty' processed IIFYM foods but that said most of my ‘sweet’ choices are home made so the only really processed things I’m eating at the moment are listed above.

A small /nohomo thank you to Maxeh for forcing MyFitnessPal on me. I've never meticulously tracked my diet and as a result always drastically underestimated when bulking and overestimated when cutting. Also IIFYM has re-sparked my passion for good tasty food, not necessarily unhealthy just because of the IIFYM label. I always disregarded spending reasonable time prepping a small meal as a waste and ate food very much as a means to an end, bland and boring, but now I actually enjoy food a great deal more. So yeah, thanks, phaggot. :) Inb4bent.


To slowly reverse diet from my current macro’s:

Training: 190P / 70F / 240C Rest: 190P / 100F / 130C

Up to some respectable ‘slow/lean bulk’ numbers:

Training: 220P / 70F / 400+C Rest: 220P / 100F / 200 C

The purpose of a slow reverse is to allow the bodies metabolic rate to properly utilise excess nutrients and carbs. Jumping straight up to 400g carbs would result in a good few lbs of fat gain. Ultimately I should be able to maintain my current bodyweight on a larger number of calories than I was previously, I can accurately establish my maintenance intake and hopefully make good progress without massive unnecessary fat gain.

It should take me until the 23rd July to reverse up to my off day macro’s and 350g of carbs on training days, where I have a week holiday (I'll be conscious but still enjoy myself ;)) and on my return will take another 3 weeks to hit 400g+ adding 20-25g of carbs a week / upto 5g per training day. Fats & proteins will be bumped periodically to maintain % ratios.

You can see what the taper looks like here:


And my current AM weight and 7 day moving average here:



I use minimal amounts of whey at the moment, usually just a single scoop PWO (previously 3) and a pop tart instead of dextrose. I like eating my calories now, sure it's a little more expensive but I like eating.:D

  • Whey
  • Dextrose (occasionally)
  • Creatine Mono 5g - dat der.
  • Pre WO (16g BP mix consisting of the usual BA, Cit Mallate, AAKG, BCAA's, caffeine + I add in 3g Taurine & 5g Glutamine.
  • Glutamine 5g PWO & 5g Pre Bed
  • Leucine 3g PWO/with every meal (2-3 times a day)
  • Quest/Protein bars - occasional treats
  • Vit C + Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Vit D


For the moment I will continue with PHAT, consisting of 4 days a week. An upper and lower ‘power’ day consisting of heavier weights and generally lower volume for the main compounds with some assistance work. And then an upper and lower ‘Hypertrophy/speed’ day working a little speed work on main compounds but mostly more traditional hypertrophy based assistance, rep ranges etc. It’s worked well during my cut, managed to maintain & increase strength in some areas so I'm keen to see what it delivers in a surplus. Flexibility & variation is something I took away from Doggcrapp as being important for progression and PHAT very much allows this to continue. (I like to try and get one session in a week in a fasted state + BCAA's, benefits of which can be found on the leangains website.)

I will probably venture back in to Doggcrapp in September (when the ‘magic’ starts happening) but I would also like to run Coan & Smolov Jnr again so in essence I’m not quite certain but what I’ve been doing has been working so if it ain’t broke...

Preparing for swole.
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Not a great start to the week, jaffed my trap on Friday and then twinged it doing Savickas on Saturday which was a little silly. So lots of peppering & heat packs. A regular at my gym Kev joined me for this session so some of his lifts are included in the video, including some hands free squats :eek:

UPPER POWER 16.06.14
AM BW: 85.9KG


60KG x some
100KG x some
120KG x 1 (trap, y u do dis)
140KG x 1 (bit of a wobble in the hole :/)
155KG x 1 - PB - not particularly happy with this lift as it's quite messy but PB's are rarely tidy.
160KG x F = stapled.


140KG x 3 x 3 / x 3 paused.

RDL (lower volume as hammies destroyed from last week)

100KG x 5 x 5 x 5 (some paused)


Working up to stack 100KG x 5, full extension, hold at top.



26'sKG x 12
28'sKG x 12
30'sKG x 12


BW x some - just a tickling to get blood in my hammies as they are ruined at the moment.


3 x 10

205P / 65F / 267C

Proats with egg whites, strawberries, zero calorie syrup and a Cadbury's caramel cake bar. Caramel belongs in oats.

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UPPER POWER - 17.06.14


90KG x 5 x 5 x 5


65KG x 10 x 10


43.25KG x 10 x 10


120KG x 3
115KG x 4
110KG x 4


8KG x 15 x 15

8KG x some, 6KG x some, 4KG x some, 2KG x some, my arms x some :p


40KG x 15 x 12 x 5


40KG x 5 x 5


45KG x 5 x 5 x 5


30KG x 5 x 5 x 5

Less volume today as maxing out front squats 3 weeks on the trot and my strained trap made deadlifts a no go, nice to have a little break.

Avoided any overhead pressing involving lots of thoracic extension so Savickas was avoided while my trap recovers. Opted for some side raises which I've finally got great activation on. Facepulls were also given a miss.

Heavy bench seems to be suffering somewhat although my HT days seem to be making good progress so need to either tweak volume or wait for carbs to taper up more.

204 P / 61 F / 274 C

First use of the Waffle Maker :cool:

Cherry Bakewell Waffles x 4, Banana, Frozen Yoghurt, Half Easter Egg, Hazelnut Creme Wafers, Zero Calorie syrup *drools*.



Early days to be chiming in with my thoughts on Reverse Dieting as I've only been tapering since Friday but safe to say I'm certain my bodyfat is still dropping despite higher sustained intake of carbs. Measuring a few sites with calipers so will continue to do so to be certain. Weight update soon :cool:
Bro please, I'm tapering carbs up. I need to guestimate 285g of carbs to the best of my ability :p

I could do some serious damage at a buffet having been fasted all day. Like disgusting amounts.
Tell me about it! :D I have no self control...

In the Maldives breakfast/lunch/dinner was all you can eat buffet foods with foods from all around the world, in copious quantities and at 5-6* hotel quality. Heaven! Dreamer bulk etc...

Weekends are my day off for being careful ;)
I'm going to keep my training & nutrition updates separate moving forward.

Week 1

So I've been 'reverse dieting' for around 10 days now and here are some of my initial thoughts.

  • It's quite nice not to see the last 8-10 weeks work disappear before my eyes in the mirror overnight! As has always been the case to binge post cut.
  • Keeping a high degree of accuracy on carb intake is not difficult but for some might become a little tiresome. This comes down to will power ultimately.
  • There may be some inaccuracy with how foods are recorded on MFP and my actual intake may not be an accurate reflection but it is consistent and that is what is important.
  • I'm fairly certain bodyfat has dropped noticeably further.
  • It seems to be working...

In the first week I consumed on average 240 calories more per day, accounting for cardio which I am also tapering down. I weighed 85.6KG at the start of that week and 84.8KG at the end, a 0.8KG loss. My 7 day moving average fell from 85.7KG to 85.5KG

Training days: (4 per week) starting @ 250g, Finishing @ 278g (28g increase)
Rest Days: (3 per week) I jumped up from 140g average to 160g and kept consistent

Has been kept consistent @ 200-205g.
I was planning to taper this to nearer 220g (for later in the year) but have come across some research that suggests protein intakes higher than 1.5g per KG (yes KILO) of bodyweight might not be necessary, so for the meantime will keep as it is.

Training days: consistent @ 65g
Rest Days: consistent @ 100g

Training day fat will increase to 75g eventually to accommodate some room for surplus fat from additional carbs.


Week 2

Max & I had homemade pizza's, to our macro's on Friday night PWO followed by waffles :cool: slight spike in bodyweight due to variation and then also the buffet PWO Strongman meet did a little damage as can be seen on the chart below however I look to have 'recovered' by this morning so back on track as such.


Thursday marks the end of week two so will update with the weeks progress then :cool:

Food Porn as expected:

Pizza with Ham, Pineapple, Mushrooms, Spinach.


Bakewell & chocolate waffles with Chocolate & natural frozen yoghurt, 1 Stroopwafel, Galaxy pieces, TPW zero butterscotch & maple syrups.


And I also decided to start making a dent in the 3KG Irish Steak Mince I've had in the freezer for months that I'd been avoiding for some reason.

Burrito, Irish steak mince, Cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato salsa, flour wraps.
Top right is an Ostrich Burger with Grilled Mediterranean veg sprinkled with cheese.

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You were looking swole at the weekend mate, it'll be interesting to see the differences at the next meet once you've really kicked into bulk mode.
Also pls spoiler the food my desk doesn't need anymore teeth marks.
You were looking swole at the weekend mate, it'll be interesting to see the differences at the next meet once you've really kicked into bulk mode.
Also pls spoiler the food my desk doesn't need anymore teeth marks.

Cheers brah.

Full bulk mode is only 5 weeks away :cool:

Spoiler tags added on request :p
Benny, what's the graph output from? Want.

Excel, if you know basic charting it's not difficult :)

LOWER POWER 24.06.14


110KG x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5


200KG x 5
210KG x 5
220KG x 5


Stack (100KG) x 5 x 5 x 5

GHR (hands on head to increase lever)

BW x 8 x 8 x 8


60KG x 24 x 24 (steps)


x 12 x 12 x 12

My trained strap/stiff neck felt better by the strongman on Saturday and survived however despite taking it easy on RDL's they still caused some grief so I need to avoid loading/activation where possible. My masseuse isn't available until Monday and it's been a good 12+ weeks since I've seen her so is long overdue.

Decided to avoid free weight squatting and deadlifting this week as the last few weeks training had been pretty tough (Front Squat PB's three weeks on the trot), plus Saturdays strongman. Ties in nicely with giving my trap a rest too.

Loving the BB walking lunge, used to use a BB at uni but for the last few months since lunging again I'd used DB's. Really good glute activation with the BB. Did enjoy.

Felt like I had a more in me come the end of the session which is probably the addition of extra carbs/calories back in to my diet coming in to effect. So I've got something special planned for Friday's Lower Hypertrophy day :D
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