There is wedding photography and there is WEDDING photography.....

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Just came across this now on PoTN.....and i am lost for words.

"We had an awesome chance to shoot with StillMotion at a wedding last week. Angela and I had 3 5D MKIIs on us taking stills and StillMotion had 4 5DMKIIs on them (and 20 batteries!) taking all the video. It was just awesome to see how powerful this camera truly is."

Blog -

HD video -

I am particularly stunned by the video, and is this really where wedding photography is heading, if it is then I have a WHOLE new set of skill to learn !?
I have been feeling recently that with the introduction of DSLR DOF controled HD video I also felt that weddings will go more 50/50 in terms of capture. Video and stills.

I always felt that a wedding captured by a team was a positive thing.

It is, and there are a lot of times and moments where i wish i could shoot a video as well as stills.

But that video......the editing too is just, i dunno where to start !
Wow that video is stunning.

What would be the Nikon equivalent to the 5D MKIIs?

None so far...The D700 doesn't have a video mode, nor does the D3. The D90 does video but only in 720p.

Plus there is a downside for Nikon too, Canon have a much wider choice of lenses to choose from !
How did I miss this thread originally? That is seriously awesome photography and video.

Dare I ask how much photography and video to that standard would cost for a wedding?

I won't think you would get any change out of £5k for photographs and video. I'd budget for £10k if you want both.
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