Thermal Compound lifespan

28 Jul 2004
Hi, I have a syringe of Coolermaster E1 Essential Thermal Compound that was opened and used about 3 years ago. It has been in a box in a drawer and looks perfectly fine when I squeeze a bit to test. Just wondering if this is irrelevant and it should be thrown because it's too old, or would it be safe to use on a new CPU? Can't find a satisfactory answer through Google.

I'd use it if it was on a lower end chip, for the price of some new paste these days if it was something mid / high end I'd get a new one.

Noctua recommends their paste has a shelf life of 2 years once opened.
Depends how much of a faff it is to take the heat sink off (and how much wattage your cpu is pulling).

I’ve used 6+ year old noctua paste with no obvious issues.

I think the more controversial question here is have thermal pastes moved on enough recently to warrant buying new if you already have a ‘stable’ tube lying around.
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I've used 10+ year old pastes with no issues.

Yes, the industry has improved, but I'm not concerned about running 2-4 degrees hotter on my setup as it's not a concern in this day and age of CPU's.

Just ensure the consistency is as expected and nothing has separated.
As above... If it looks OK when you squeeze a bit out... I wouldn't worry about it.

I've accidentally built up a bit of a collection as I bought a thermalright cooler and a noctua cooler the other year for two different PC's...

So now I have a tube of NH1, a tube of whatever paste thermalright comes with and a tube of MX-4 that I had already.

So on the rare occasion I need to reseat a CPU, or my mate is doing likewise and doesn't want to buy a new tube... I just pick whatever one has the least amount of paste in it and use that.

Contrary to popular belief, life is too short to get hung up about cpu paste, as long as it's not seperated in the tube they are all much of a muchness if they are from a well known brand.. Arctic, thermalright, noctua, etc. Etc.
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