Thermal compound shelf life?

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
I have some NTH(?) premium compound for heat sinks that came with my noctua cooler, however when I fit my new CPU do I need new stuff or is it still good? I've still got the compound on my current CPU which has been on it for 6 years :D

Duh, skip that, this answered my question :D
Got systems over 15 years old on original paste.
Some pastes like as5 tend to need replacing. Silicone based stuff tends to last long time
I have some NTH(?) premium compound for heat sinks that came with my noctua cooler, however when I fit my new CPU do I need new stuff or is it still good? I've still got the compound on my current CPU which has been on it for 6 years :D

Duh, skip that, this answered my question :D

Interesting watch - thank you for sharing
My CPU came out in 2013 and I either bought it then or in 2014.
been using it since, max temp is only about 3-4c higher than it was back in the day I built it and that will be al the dust trapped deep in the heatsink fins.

personally I'd give any thermal paste tubes a good shake and then see what it looks like when it comes out.
if it hasn't separated it's probably fine.
I've just (temporarily) repasted my son's i7 2600 with some 15+ year old ceramique after swapping motherboards for some troubleshooting. Temps seem fine for now, but i probably wouldn't want to leave it on there for too long :D
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