Thermal Paste/Thermal Pad?

15 Jan 2006
I am confused....

If you are someone building a PC with no intentions to overclock.. which should you use?

Is it true you should use a thermal pad if you intend not to remove the heatsink for a long time, and paste if you are going to be ocassionally removing the heatsink?

Do all AMD processors come with thermal pads/paste?

The pastes are a lot better (get some Arctic Silver 5) There's nothing wrong with the pads, they just don't perform as well (although there are some high quality/price ones out there!)

Make sure you read the instructions from the makers, makes quite a big difference!
Both pad & paste are ok.You will probably get better temps using paste,but better off using AS5.

Retail heatsinks usually come with a pad attached
Removing a pad after it's melted is more of a pain than removing paste (think of weetabix on a cereal bowl - well sort of)

Quality pastes shouldn't dry out, so should be fine long term.
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