Thermal Sensor.

10 Apr 2006
Hi, I have a Silverstone Eudemon Thermal Controller. The unit has 3 temperature sensors, and on the end of the sensors are a rubber sleeve, with the film sensor inside.

My question is, would I be able to remove the rubber sleeve from the end of the sensor and place the film sensor inbetween my waterblock and my CPU? would this give me the best possible temperature reading, or would it interfere with the cooling potential of the block? same goes for GFX card I guess...

tia :)
I have stripped the plastic bits back before,but under no circumstances should you put the sensor between the cpu & block.Try & sit it as close as you can to the cpu at the side of the block.It's pretty difficult to get a good reading because you can't sit it on the core

Don't really know what else to suggest mate

The best you can do with the IHS on.

Fornowagain, how did you stick it there, tape? What are the temps like compared to the mobo's sensor? Have you got a northbridge sensor?
gr1mey said:
My question is, would I be able to remove the rubber sleeve from the end of the sensor and place the film sensor inbetween my waterblock and my CPU? would this give me the best possible temperature reading, or would it interfere with the cooling potential of the block? same goes for GFX card I guess...

tia :)

You would acheive an accurate reading for watching your CPU fry ! :eek:

Listen to above post , and never put anything between the cpu and h/s.

Apart from AS5 , Pelts etc ....... ;)


Mikey1280 said:
Fornowagain, how did you stick it there, tape? What are the temps like compared to the mobo's sensor? Have you got a northbridge sensor?
It's not mine, but mines the same place on the HSF. I use epoxy, holds well give it a good knock and it peels off. Kills the sensor, but they're cheap enough. One per HSF ok. And its 2/3C lower than the MB. Depends on the MB, I had an Abit that was 20C out.
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Depending on how thick the wire is there is another option, you can thread it between the pins, and stick it to the underside of the chip - My probes are a bit chunky for that, but I'm assured that it does work, and gives excellent readings!
cavemanoc said:
Depending on how thick the wire is there is another option, you can thread it between the pins, and stick it to the underside of the chip - My probes are a bit chunky for that, but I'm assured that it does work, and gives excellent readings!
I always thought that was a no no with 939 as the pins are a bit too close together.
out of curiosity, cant you just put it under the IHS as there is a little clearence in between the base of the chip and the top of the IHS?
All you would need to do is cut a small hole in the silicon to thread it in/take the whole thing off and reset it with silicon or something
Ableit a bit extreme, but i dont see why it wouldnt work provided you were careful

Or am i way off?
Chronictank said:
out of curiosity, cant you just put it under the IHS as there is a little clearence in between the base of the chip and the top of the IHS?
All you would need to do is cut a small hole in the silicon to thread it in/take the whole thing off and reset it with silicon or something
Ableit a bit extreme, but i dont see why it wouldnt work provided you were careful

Or am i way off?

Be a hell of a job trying to drill a small hole in side on ihs to thread sensor in. Best thing would be to remove ihs, file down a hole on on of the side for sensor wire and then stick it to underside of ihs near the centre but not so that it makes contact with core. Be hard getting good contact when remounting ihs though
That would be some impressive modding, but I have to say fornowagain's solution of sticking it to the IHS is by far the simplest and most elegant if your wires won't fit between the pins - and least risky!
but is the sticking the probe next to the IHS actually useful? Wont the temps just be slightly higher than normal air temperature or is that part of the ihs hot? Where is the mobo's cpu sensor?
I've just done it to mine - and I'm happy to say that it's within a couple of degrees of what mbm5 recons! Good enough for me! (The IHS is a pretty good conductor so yes - it's a reasonable guide to your core temp - certainly about as good as you'll get without stripping off the IHS and sticking the probe to the side of the bare core - gutsy, but not really necessary :p
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