Thermalright SI-120 - thermal paste included - what's it like?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Just received my SI-120 (boy is it big..), and I see Thermalright have included some thermal paste. Does anyone know what this stuff is like?

I have plenty of my faithful Artic Silver II, would that be a better bet?

Ta :)
Drazic said:
Did the job for me and temps were good. i soon chnaged to As5 and gald i did lost 4c over all on air and a bit more on water.

AS will be better by far mate

I can't stand AS5 though. Maybe I had a bad batch, but it's an absolute bitch to spread out into a thin layer. Hence I still use good ol' ASII.

Think i'll try the ASII first :D
What isit with all users of any thermal paste saying you need to spread it out.

MUPPPPPPEEETTTSSSS!!!! Oi you nooo (sorry bad day at work and had 5 already ask me this today)

AS5 as per website small sized dob, blob what ever size of a grain of rice near as dead center as you can do it.

Bang on HSF, block what ever once fitted give it a wee wiggle and job done

Only them Tiwannses muppets Zaleman tell you too spread it

Sorry for extream possting a sit may be here but i had enough of people thinking you have to layer it out with a trowle or credit card
He speaks the truth. Spreading it out will only introduce dust and other nasties. The force from the heatsink/waterblock will spread it out, then a few degrees twist removes air bubbles etc.
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