I am going to be building a new computer soon, it'll be packed into a Thermaltake Lanbox, I've lined up some components after looking around. Are there any major problems, it should all fit together and work.. I'm looking at gaming with this machine after some minor overclocking, I'm still undecided on the graphics card. I'm am also starting to question the processor and powersupply..
Gigabyte GA G33M-S2 Micro ATX
GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC2-6400C4 800MHz Ultra Low Latency
Western Digital 160gb SATAii 150 7200RPM 16MB Cache OEM
Intel Core 2 Duo E2180 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.00GHz
Pioneer DVR-115DBK 20x DVD±RW IDE Dual Layer ReWriter 17.61
PowerColor HD 3850 Pro PCS 512MB GDDR3 256bit Dual DVI TVO PCI-E
OCZ StealthXtream 500W PSU
Thermaltake VF1000SNA Lanbox
Would a Zalman CNPS8700-LED Aero Flower CPU Cooler be a nice addition?
I am going to be building a new computer soon, it'll be packed into a Thermaltake Lanbox, I've lined up some components after looking around. Are there any major problems, it should all fit together and work.. I'm looking at gaming with this machine after some minor overclocking, I'm still undecided on the graphics card. I'm am also starting to question the processor and powersupply..
Gigabyte GA G33M-S2 Micro ATX
GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC2-6400C4 800MHz Ultra Low Latency
Western Digital 160gb SATAii 150 7200RPM 16MB Cache OEM
Intel Core 2 Duo E2180 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.00GHz
Pioneer DVR-115DBK 20x DVD±RW IDE Dual Layer ReWriter 17.61
PowerColor HD 3850 Pro PCS 512MB GDDR3 256bit Dual DVI TVO PCI-E
OCZ StealthXtream 500W PSU
Thermaltake VF1000SNA Lanbox
Would a Zalman CNPS8700-LED Aero Flower CPU Cooler be a nice addition?