Thermaltake PR22-D5 pump stuck @ 77 L/H

29 Sep 2020
Hi everyone!

After months of research on Youtube and forums, I have chosen and bought, and just finished my first ever custom loop. I have gone all TT with the parts. I thougt it would be all just plug-and-play, but my pump seems to have problems. It is a D5 and has the 5 step regulator on the bottom. I integrated the TT TF2 into the system to see flowrate and water temp leaving the CPU.
I had a flowrate of around 250L/H when I fired it up the first time, and the knob was set to "2", but somehow after a couple of minutes the flow rate dropped down to half, and just temporarely jumped back again every 5-10 minutes once, for a couple of seconds to around 250. I slowely started to add voltage (I guess thats what the meter on the bottom adds) to speed up things a bit, since the system becomes foamy on low RPM. It popped up once back to where it started, but by now I am having a constant flow rate of between 68 and 77 L/H and drops sometimes down to under 15(!!!) while the meter is set to a max of "5".

What could have possibly gone wrong? I have seen in a forum that this kind of pump is also PWM controlled, but I am not much into BIOS. Also the only header is on the top of the res. and connects to the HUB of TT, which is PWM, but since the cable is on top and the pump on the bottom, I guess the only thing the HUB controls, is the RBG strip in the res.

I would realy appreciate some help, what to do... Should I just send it back and have it changed? It is only a couple of days old...

Thanks in advance!!
@mickyflinn No, not directly. 4 pin molex for power, and there is a small 3 pin that adapts to the HUB via another cable, but that still isnt going to the mobo, but to the Thermaltake HUB. And that is then connecting to the motherboard, but not via 4 pin, but a 10-1 pin serial. Mobo is Asus ROG Z390-F btw. Oh and the cable goes from the top of the reservoir, which means, it is not linked to the pump anyway, that can be found on the bottom... :/ I am desperate!
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