Thermaltake Rocket cooling kit

23 Apr 2006
I'm thinking of buying this system and adding a GPU block to it. What kind of cooling performance will i get with an athlon 3200+ and a radon 9800 being cooled with this radiator?

Cheers, James
any reason you want to go for that kit ?
ive had / got / gettign rid of a thermaltake big water kit and to be honest mate... theyre not worth the bother.
theres almost no scope for ugradability. and the pump ( the heart of any watercooling rig) is just pathetic. specialy when its got to send water through all of that reserator and 2 blocks !
if your intent on getting an extrnal reserator... tryt hzalman... otherwise build your own kit.
the lads in the forum will help you choose parts ;)
I have the rocket, got it for my first watercooling attempt, well its not too bad i dont think, i got it to quiet down my system which had about 6 fans in ive now took out, its very quiet, i idle 33º-36º and never go over 43º full load, but thats with no gfx in the loop, the kit is ''ok'' if your a first timer at water but if your confident enough to go for something better i would, i feel i can move on to bigger and better kits now.
the reason that i wanted to go for the rocket was mosty price.

i looked at the zalman system, is it worth the extra 80quid over the thermaltake system?

Would i be able to build up a custom system for less than 180?

Is it worth trying to go fanless or should i just go with a radiator?

This is my first attempt at watercooling
oblique said:
Would i be able to build up a custom system for less than 180?

This is my first attempt at watercooling
oh yea !!

your looiking at:
gpu block = £25 ( aqua extreme)
CPU blcock = £30+
rad = £35 (XSPC)
tubing = £15 ( tygon )
pump = £54 ( aqua extreme 50Z)

so you can get up and running with a kick ass WC system for about £160 obviuosly you can go cheaper, you can go more expensive. but best of all custom jkits are EASY TO UPGRADE
i made the mistake of buying a thermal take kit ... i though "WOWZoRS WATeR co0LInG for SixTY QUid !!!!! 111one one one"
now i just feel regret ! lol

as cannon said... theyre 'ok' but if you want performance build yer own ;)
if i were you i would just 'pretend' youve bough that thermal take jkit... which naturaly makes you want to research water cooling more... do so then when you have a better grasp of the concepts of cooling you will eb able to make a better decision.
use the search function on this forum and ofcourse visit google. just soak up information like a sponge man ! thats what ive been doing lately and i have a fairly good idea now !
if i were you i would just 'pretend' youve bough that thermal take jkit... which naturaly makes you want to research water cooling more... do so then when you have a better grasp of the concepts of cooling you will eb able to make a better decision.
use the search function on this forum and ofcourse visit google. just soak up information like a sponge man ! thats what ive been doing lately and i have a fairly good idea now !

Echo that statement , Bought an Asetek all in one as a starter to watercooling.

Nothing wrong with it , "Does exactly what it says on the tin"

But in 2 months I have changed the rad , pump and resovoir as my knowledge and confidence grew.

Go custom , it gives you far more options.


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