These temps any good?

18 Oct 2002
The Viking Hideout
Lga Smithfield 2.66 on an Asus P5WD2 mobo


CPU 26 degrees (I think, speedfan doesn't seem to tell me which is which :))


CPU 45 degrees

Does that sound about right?..
Hrm, I'm confused now.

Upped the fsb to 166 (not done anything else yet though) and when I try loading up Speedfan it's got several temps in there, but none seem to match up with the Asus AI Booster proggy which tells me that my CPU is happily sat at 43 degrees full load..

Speedfan gives me 3x temps in the following order:
Temp3 (currently 124 degrees)
Temp1 (currently 31 degrees)
Temp2 (currently 44 degrees)

Those are under full load using United Devices, if I turn it off and just run Windows I get the following:

Temp3 (still sat at 124 degrees oddly enough)
Temp1 (32 degrees)
Temp2 (36 degrees)

I've got the ASUS board as outlined before and a Zalman CNPS9500-LED and a heatpipe cooler for the northbridge..

Do I worry? The temps are all in degrees celsius too, is it a misreporting probe? What would be the best proggy to use to check temps on using the P5WD2 mobo?

Yep with you now :)

Right the ASUS tool tells me the following:

CPU Speed 3726.27
CPU Temp 37
System Temp 32

all at idle, with United Devices running I get the following:

CPU Temp 45
System Temp 32

Does that sound about right? My first Overclock attempt tbh, so any help and advice is appreciated. Only thing I've done so far is upped the fsb, which I seem to have hit a wall with.
Id say thats damn good :cool:
If your cooling on air thats a very good temperature...
Bump the voltage up a little bit should get 4ghz
Up to 3.8 gHz atm, took a break from it.

How do I know what's good with regards to voltages on the CPU?.. is it just what I need to boot up, or what? I know I've increased the voltage some but it's showing as 1.4~1.392 at the moment, is this safe/good/bad?

Not mucked about with SuperPi and stuff like that yet, as will see what kind of clock I can get into windows with and then stuff like games. Once I have that stable I'll give the rest a go.

A bit new to all of this, so apolagies for any tard questions.
Cool thanks for that.

Took me ages to figure out how to increase the voltages (mainly because the only bits displayed by default are lower than the current one and you have to press up to get it to work).

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