TheSGL Lan

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton
Anyone else going to be going along to this?
I probably will be, and for those who cant be bothered to click the link:

It's located at the severnside complex, just outside of Bristol, and takes place from the 26th (this friday) to the 29th. It's a BYOC event, and costs £60 to get in, but for that you can enter all the ESWC qualifying tournaments for CS, Q4, WC3, Trackmania Nations, and Pro Evo 5, free breakfast in the mornings, and a huge room for sleeping space! What more could you need? A hotel itself would cost just that, and you get to enter loads of tournies for free!

The complex itself has parking space for 300 cars, and its about 10 miles from Bristol Airport. It has a snooker hall, pool tables, swimming pool, showers ofc :p, so if you fancy a break you can always relax with a swim or a game of pool or two :)

Channel 4's TV crew will be filming over the weekend as well as propeller TV' sky channel, who will be covering the entire event :)

I dont think the links on their site are classed as competitors, so delete it if necessary. Hope to see loads of you there ;)
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Probably would have gone if I didn't have so many exams and was actually active still, but looks like you're the only FCU going, so that's no good :p

Roll on BLR, if it's going to happen anyway, website seems to have vanished.
Yeah dunno whats happened to it :confused:

Nobody else from fcu wanted to go, and xlnc aren't going now either, so thought i'd see if anyone else from here was up for coming :)
Wowz0rz - that's a big LAN :)

Our's is more on the 50 person scale and £25 a head... not sure I could really afford to spend £60 :p

Though I'm a stingy kind of guy... :D
I keep getting emails from them, but I swear I've never signed up for anything :confused:

Not my scene really, unless a LOT of my real life mates were going.
I agree /re the whole RL friends thing. With ours it's more a progression of our house LAN parties and we stongly encourage anyone coming along to bring a couple of friends....and not just to give us more cash in the pot, honest :D

I don't think I'd bother with a LAN unless I had RL friends there... That said, I would love to try a really massive LAN sometime - I'd just force people I knew to go :D
Zefan said:
I keep getting emails from them, but I swear I've never signed up for anything :confused:

Not my scene really, unless a LOT of my real life mates were going.

Yeah i wondered how they got my email as well. But then remembered on the sgl public you had to register or they kicked you every two minutes. Maybe it was from that :confused:
Yes yes, #FragManchester is where its at! Dazza save your cash for this LAN, will be much more fun at this one plus it's in a prime location too.
I do believe that there will be tourneys sorted on the day in various games like TM, CS 1.6, BF2 and all that shizz, with scope to expanding to 80 people if interest is there (primarily in the CS 1.6 tourney).

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