They actually PAID for this site..?!

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
I went to a local balloon shop yesterday to get a load of helium balloons for my other half's 30th party last night, and thought there may have been some potential for making a site for them (hey, it's always worth looking out for potential freelance jobs).. I just checked to see if they already had one and.. well, check it out:

Check out the designer's site, they have some other excellent portfolio items.. I am in awe, wish I could produce to such high standards :(
Beansprout said:
How do you know he isn't? I for one am fairly sure that he is...
I get well paid to work on just two sites full-time (one web-facing and one extranet-based) for one large US telecomms company. It can be a little less exciting than having numerous external projects but I've been there seven years and the work is never going to end.. plus it means I can put some serious effort into making the sites as good as possible 'cause I have a vested interest in doing so.

At mrdbristol, I can totally see what you're saying but I wouldn't "go and do better" unless they were up for paying for a new site, and judging by the site of the company (one small family-run shop) they probably won't want to stump up for a (to them) needless re-design :)
Whether they paid for it or not, the fact that the PCMartin site advertises "Website Design" and pumps out Frontpage-induced levels of work is still a tad shocking..
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