They're big, they're new, they're RED, WHITE and BLUE

18 Oct 2002
Well the old ones finally are about knackered so needed replacing

went for a more traditional design this time and they have just had their maiden outing :p

Wow, that project City Centre has come on a long way since I was there last summer!

I'm going back in 2 weeks, can't wait :D How's the heat this time of year? I usually go in July, when it's crazy hot...

Vegas > *

was about 40C

re the Fosters, I just grabbed a beer as I was walking down road, choice was very,very limited so I just picked the biggest one:p
Is it just me or has rotty's head physically repelled the building behind him?

And considering where you are on holiday the shorts are epic :) Could only be made better if it was Paris or possibly Berlin instead ;)

The joke started years ago, I do it to wind my missus up

generally I will wear them when we are visiting somewhere posh :p
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