Every single other road user, I am getting worse as I get older, and I'm only 25
But more specifically its just drivers who don't indicate, check their mirrors or have any sense of distance perception.
You know the type, can see them a mile off, they are sitting behind a slower vehicle and even before I get close to them I can tell they are going to pull into my lane , I don't know whether they cant see I am travelling faster or simply don't look/care, that really annoys me specially when they don't even indicate!
Other than that its just middle lane/outside lane hogger's, but that annoys everyone not just riders.
For drivers/riders around Southampton the Avenue is a pet peeve, its quite narrow and some drivers are so retarded that they cant keep between the lines, the misses always gives me **** for abusing people up and down there.
What annoys me about other riders is as already said no safety equipment, I don't see how people ride with no gloves, I have done it once or twice in my early riding days just going a few miles to college and my hands were cold in the height of the summer!
Having had a nasty accident and I was wearing the best equipment and the injuries I still sustained I cant stress enough how important it is to wear good attire!