Things That Annoy You Most!!!

11 Jul 2009
What are the things that annoy you most about motorbiking in this day and age??

#1 for me at the moment is car drivers who have a nasty habit of being about 30cm's away from your back wheel:mad:,whats yours?
My #1 and it chances daily lol would have to be when your stationary in traffic, can't filter due to the road/road markings, so your just holding your road position and some drivers insist on trying to pull up right next to you, semi over take you, like you where not there.

Kinda semi like your one really.
Riders who ride in inappropriate clothing. Or allow their pillions to.
Worst one I saw what during the summer, some guy on his Hornet, was riding in trainers, shorts and a T-shirt, which annoyed me. This was only made worse when I saw him 10 minutes later with his son who, who goes to a local primary school was on the back. I knew he was from one of the local primaries due to the fact he was wearing his school shorts and shirt, with the school tie over his shoulder.

This annoyed me more than anything has done in a long time.
As per OP.. people that seem to think it's fine to drive about 10cm from my back wheel. Usually Golf or A3 drivers :p

I had the otherhalf as pillion and an audi driver decided to get up close so I slowed down, nothing, so then I hit the brakes and started waving my arms to tell her to give me room and she went passed and flipped me up! Made my blood boil the stupid bint!
I brought a nice Remus Can that has since kept people from sitting too close for too long :D Seriously, it's worked a treat. If they start getting close, I drop a gear and they soon back off.

If someone wants to go out with little protection, fine it's their life that they are risking (as we all are to an extent) but what gauls me is people that risk the lives of others.
Drivers who cannot, or will not, indicate at freaking roundabouts! Christ its not hard, nothing worse than sitting waiting for the vehicle to possibly come all way round the roundabout, due to not indicating.....only to see them peel off the exit before you!

Worst one I saw what during the summer, some guy on his Hornet, was riding in trainers, shorts and a T-shirt, which annoyed me. This was only made worse when I saw him 10 minutes later with his son who, who goes to a local primary school was on the back.

I was in Zante last month and everyone and their mother seems to have a scooter or such like. I saw one guy on a moped type, the ones with a small fairing up front and the longish seat, he was riding with a kid about 8yrs standing in front of him, his Mrs was on the back and she had a child about 2yrs between herself and hubby ....four ppl in total...shorts, sandals the lot.....absolutely insane.
Every single other road user, I am getting worse as I get older, and I'm only 25 :p

But more specifically its just drivers who don't indicate, check their mirrors or have any sense of distance perception.
You know the type, can see them a mile off, they are sitting behind a slower vehicle and even before I get close to them I can tell they are going to pull into my lane , I don't know whether they cant see I am travelling faster or simply don't look/care, that really annoys me specially when they don't even indicate!

Other than that its just middle lane/outside lane hogger's, but that annoys everyone not just riders.

For drivers/riders around Southampton the Avenue is a pet peeve, its quite narrow and some drivers are so retarded that they cant keep between the lines, the misses always gives me **** for abusing people up and down there.

What annoys me about other riders is as already said no safety equipment, I don't see how people ride with no gloves, I have done it once or twice in my early riding days just going a few miles to college and my hands were cold in the height of the summer!
Having had a nasty accident and I was wearing the best equipment and the injuries I still sustained I cant stress enough how important it is to wear good attire!
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Quite a few pet peeves really...

- Even though they're ****** on scooters and some 125's, wearing a shellsuit and fingerless leather gloves isn't quite the proper safety attire.
- Same as above but on sportsbikes, saw a fella wearing shorts, vest, crocs and a helmet, that's it.
- Some cars who drive as close to the centre line of a multiple laned road when in traffic/congestion stopping you from filtering.
- Same as above but when they're listening to their iPods while driving without a clue that you're fricking right next to them trying to get past.
- Mobile phone users - nuff said.
- Unneccessarily aggressive drivers who switch from lane to lane when it's not really needed.
- Roundabouts - when people in the wrong lane cut across you while exiting - had one too many close calls with this.

I could probably go on and make myself sound like an old git but the main message seems to be, look out for your fellow road users whether they be in a car or bike. Your world doesnt around your car so have some f'king consideration!

End rant
Not much bothers me these days but it does **** me off when I ride up behind a car & the driver is on there mobile, This means I take my life in my own hands when passing as they haven't seen or heard me. :rolleyes:
People in cars who don't stop to give way when there are parked vehicles on their side of the road, because I'm on a bike they think I should be riding in the gutter!.

Unless they are coming up a hill of course.....
I don't get people being annoyed with others not wearing protective kit. Sure, I completely understand and agree with it being unacceptable to take kids on the bike without full kit, but apart from that, this is an 'at risk' hobby / lifestyle. Most car drivers think its insane that we ride bikes anyway. My wife's friends always ask here why she 'lets' me ride a bike, and were even more shocked when I took our 13 year old son around Europe. What I'm getting at is that acceptable level of risk is completely personal.

Personally I generally wear full kit when out for a proper ride, but if its hot, or I'm popping to work / town I'll often just wear jeans. If very hot and I'm sticking to under 30 then a T shirt. In fact in France when it was 36 degrees I ended up riding with no gloves most of the time as I couldn't get them on, but I did have hand guards which keep the bugs off.

Maybe I feel differently because my other hobby is cycling where other than a helmet, which only works up to 15mph anyway, I have no protection, and will often be doing 35mph+ (fastest I've been is 55mph on the Fleetmoss descent) in lycra!

As for what annoys me drivers not paying attention to the roads (especially on mobiles and failing to indicate), bikers who treat the roads like a track day and try to apex unsighted right handers, and cyclists that jump red lights
- Cagers who do 40 to 45 in a 60 NSL twisty, and then continue to do 45 after passing a 30 limit sign into a village. That really gets my bacon.

- Lasses in Audi A4's applying mascara whist driving at 85mph in the middle lane on the M25 (not joking).

- Tailgaters especially those that do it in the wet.

- Drivers (usually Van drivers) that see you filtering in heavy traffic and move over to prevent you from going past. Even had one scream at me "You bikers need to stop doing that third lane-ing thing" and acting surprised when I pointed out it was called filtering and was actually in the highway code.

- Quite often myself when I do something stupid or find myself not concentrating enough.
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- Seeing drivers make a mistake or do something dangerous and then finding out that they're on their phone.

- Tailgaters. I'm too reticent to pull over (because they are too close) and I'm not going to take my attention off the road to somehow try and tell people they're too close.

- Basically, anyone who won't learn about what they're doing wrong until they hurt someone. I'm always self-critical of my driving and riding because I don't want to be the person who learns through sending myself or worse, someone else to hospital.
Simple really, the weather in this country!

Prob done less then 2000 miles this year and haven't been on the thing for weeks. I know I could man up and drive in all weathers. But I spent years doing that its no fun.
People that press the button at a pelican crossing then see a gap in traffic and cross before the lights change, I then have stop and watch the invisible man cross the road.

Van and car drivers on mobile phones.

Pedestrians using mobile phones while crossing the road not looking.

Folks who insist on stopping short of the white line at traffic lights, then get arsey because i nip round the side & fill the gap.
Not just restricted to my bike, but car too - drivers who have adopted what I like to call the "superman" grip on the wheel.... you know the ones, hand gripping the top of the wheel, the other hand who knows where! Knobbers, massive ones at that! It looks so stupid, and even old duffer sales reps are doing it in their motorway barges, so even if Fred Durst did make it look good when he was rollin' back in ~2001, it just looks daft now.

Oh, and the Richard head on the tourer (BMW/Honda...) on Sunday late evening, who decided that myself and the other motorway users doing 85-90 wasn't quick enough for him, so proceeded to either tailgate cars or filter between them.... and he had a pillion wearing just a lid and no other item of motorcycle kit I could see. I gave him a flash in the hope he might slow down for the pillion's sake, and was rewarded with a Nescafe gesture - what a lovely chap.
- Seeing drivers make a mistake or do something dangerous and then finding out that they're on their phone.

Arrrrggggghhhh!!!! This! Completely forgot - almost had some tool go into my side on Saturday out on the bike - he drifted half into my lane on a roundabout, by the time he actually reacted to my horn (blaring as soon as two wheels crossed the division). No, it wasn't a lack of control due to thinking he was superman behind the wheel, but because the eejit was on the bloody phone!

Time for a helmet cam maybe? Think the police would do anything if you sent in a video.... doubtful I bet.
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