Things to do with chillies: 1) Hot sauce

6 Nov 2005
Copy of a post in the chilli growing thread, for those that missed it :)

Some of my own chillies here and some shop-bought ones. Nothing amazingly spicy - only growing properly hot ones this year, so I hope to make something more interesting this time around.



Recipe (an amalgamation of the best bits of MANY internet recipes):

  • Rough-chop one white and one red onion and most/all of a clove of garlic. Stick in a pan and sweat with some olive oil.
  • Peel and chop a carrot, slice a pepper and the chillies (number and inclusion of seeds according to taste!). Add those to the pan and sweat for a bit longer, taking care not to let anything burn.
  • Add 1/4 cup water and 1/2 cup orange juice. Add a couple of chopped tomatoes and gently simmer down until it starts to thicken.
  • During this time, season with all or none of the following: salt and pepper, a bit of (decent) vegetable stock, English mustard (for a slightly different kick), chilli powder and paprika, and mixed herbs.
  • Juice a couple of limes and a lemon and get some of the zest from the lemon with a grater. Peel and stone a ripe mango and add with the lemon and lime juice to the mix.
  • Add 1/2 cup white wine vinegar / cider vinegar to lower the pH for preservation and simmer down a bit.
  • Whiz the mix with a hand blender to get the preferred consistency - I like slightly lumpy, but it's up to you. Continue to reduce it down to the preferred consistency if it's too runny, or strain it through a sieve to get rid of some of the liquid. Bottle with a funnel, allow to cool and stick in the fridge.
This should keep for a ages (many months) in the fridge as long as you take care to be hygienic throughout. Sterilise things like the funnel (+/- sieve) and bottles in the oven / microwave / with boiling water before using. If you see anything suspicious growing in the bottle after a while, don't eat it :p

Other things to do with chillies: 2) Sweet chilli sauce.
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Looks great, will hopefully give this a try. I have a few chilli and hot BBQ sauce recipes bookmarked, for when my chillies ripen.
If you can't use all your chillies up fresh, they're really easy to dry. I just threaded a needle and ran it through a load of mine. Once it was done I hung them up in the airing cupboard and I've been using them dried since october last year.
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