It's confessions time, and I want to know about all those things you secretly laugh at and know that you shouldn't. None of this
"Blah blah, I'm perfect and you're terrible" crap.
Ok, for me, when I see old people on the bus or outside and they're struggling to walk up stairs or while the bus is in motion etc and you just know for sure that they're going to fall over. Well, when they do and my prediction becomes reality... I can't help but laugh.
I dunno, I guess it's the whole facial expression they make and the noise which is like [old person voice] "Ohhhh, oh heavens". Then seeing middle-aged people running over with the whole "Oh my god" thing going on.
The funniest part of it though is when, even though they and everyone else knows it's simply because they're old, they look around at everything trying to put the blame on something, like "Oh god, the council need to sort out these steps, it's a disgrace"... which is when I feel like saying something along the lines of "See that ramp about TWO metres away? Well, that's to stop people like you falling over".
Or on a bus when everyone starts muttering about how TERRIBLE the driver is. Erm... you're supposed to remain seated whilst the bus is in motion, so if you start getting up and wishing you were 20 again, yo iz gunna bust a hip, in'it?
So come on, what about you lot?