Things you've learnt or would like to learn

3 Jan 2009
Is there anything you'd like to learn how to do?

Are there any skills that you think would be worth acquiring?

What things have you learnt in the past that have brought you happiness or have proven particularly useful?
I would love to be a dab hand at DIY. You know, capable of doing a bit of everything
Are you a man? Do you own/have access to any tools?

If the answer to both is "Yes" then you are a DIY legend capable of turning your hand to any task (despite all evidence being to the contrary)! :p

I'd quite like to learn a new skill. I'm going to enrol in a Krav Maga class next week. Try that out for a month, see how I get on.

I'd also like to learn a foreign language. Possibly German. I'd definitely need to do it in a group, I couldn't teach myself, but I'm not sure how I'd go about doing that.
I'd like to learn a form martial art just as a more entertaining form of exercise, rather than football and the gym...

I'm going to give Krav Maga a try. It's a form of street fighting that's been adopted by various police and military agencies around the world (including the FBI and Mossad, I think):

It does. It's been designed to use your natural reflexes to your advantage and it's supposed to be quite easy to pick up (obviously I'm not expecting to get to his level).
I'd like to be able to drive, too.

I've no intention of getting a car but it just seems like one of those skills you should have.

Have any of you done any of those intensive driving courses? I don't have anyone to teach me, I don't even have a car I can borrow to practise with. Is that going to be a problem?
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