Think I may have fried my Quad

19 Jan 2005
I've been happily crunching on a Q6600 for around two years now but the other day it started turning itself off.
Looks like the problem was due to dust buildup in the HSF but unfortunately after cleaning it out I didn't reseat it properly and the PC powered off 3 seconds after power on.:o
Anyway after fitting it properly, now It won't even go into the BIOS and I get no beeps during startup.

So assuming I've killed it I need a new CPu and possibly mobo.

Having a hunt around it looks like the newer chips are mostly dual core with hiper threading to emulate 4 cores. Does this hurt performance at all compared to a true quad core?

I was eyeing up an i3 or i5 dual core and motherboard for around £150 as a potential replacement /upgrade. Is that a wothwhile improvement? Presume these chips are all 64bit?
Or am I better off looking for second hand Q6600 and skt775 board which seems to be around the same cost?
If you can afford it an i5 760 would be a little upgrade faster IPC and overclocks better, an i3 would be a downgrade. A similar Phenom quad would be on par with you Q6600 clock for clock
Actually having just done a bit of research I'll need 4GB of DDR3 RAM as well if I go new. So the cheaper AMD chips might be the best place to start looking.

Cache seems to be smaller on them. Does this hurt their crunchiness badly?
I think the Q6600 and Athlon II X4s are rather similar performance wise, depending on how you set it up. The Phenom II X4 840 might be worth a shout, harder to oc but 6MB L3 cache...
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