thinking about getting some Mushkin

25 Mar 2004
What's the best stuff to go for?

I want to run my mem at higher FSB's without a divider, i'm currently using my OCZ LL 3200 on a 333mhz divider so that I can run my FSB at 240 but keep my RAM at 200mhz. But ideally I want to water cool my chip/gfx and run my cpu at 2.7/2.8ghz which would need 270/280FSB,

Is there any RAM about that can do these sort of timings?

Looking primarily at the mushkin redline stuff I think, looks like good mem :)

p.s 2GB is a must.
whats the difference between the:

Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Redline Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB)

and the:

Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Extreme Performance Dual Channel Kit (2x1GB) CAS3 (991483) (MY-000-MK)

bit of a price difference there :)

I don't mind paying top dollar for something worthwhile though, hopefully the redline will be just the mem for me.

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