thinking about the Canon 24-105mm L IS

20 Oct 2002
London Town
just returned from a business trip to NYC and as usual have been dissapointed by the 17mm performance of this 17-85mm lens - just too soft :(

I am now thinking about flogging it and getting a 24-105 L

Anyone got experience of this lens? Have used a 28mm before and it wasn't wide enough, but 24mm is pretty wide I think and I might not miss 17 that much
Geffen said:
While the specs of the EF-s 17-55 F2.8 IS look good it seem vastly over price at a RRP £860.

it can't be that much surely?! From the FM reviews I have seen, the Tamron 24-135mm SP actually scores higher than the L glass :eek:

Doesn't have IS though and would miss that. Having looked at my pics from a recent trip to the Lakes i mostly used 22mm+ and only a handfull at 17mm
agreed but every single review on both FM and other sites i have seen really rate the Tamron.

Anyway next time i go out will make a note to not go below 24mm with my Canon and see if i miss it or not, this is probably the best way to tell!
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