Thinking about upgrading, Idea's?

12 Jun 2004
Hi all,

I would like to upgrade my rig, It's starting to struggle with games like BF2.
My budget is around £400-600, this is for CPU, motherboard, RAM and GFX.

I would like an AMD64 CPU and 2GB of RAM. GFX is important, at the moment I have a 6800GT, so hopeing for something better.

Any Idea's?

P.S) I don't need/want SLI if you go with nVidia.
Thanks guys,

Yes, spw your memory is good! I will try and get an adaptor for the X-Pro. What you spec'd was pretty much what I was looking at.

I doubt I will be overlocking this rig, maybe when it's really old and struggling.
Is the 1800X better than the 7800GT? Sorry, I haven't been on the hardware seen for a while...
Keep the suggestions coming!
xirokx said:
In that case go for an msi or dfi mobo so when you do come around to it you wont be limited...

Why not wait to get an extra £100 and go dual core with the x2 3800+???

Otherwise you will only do it later on.....

Also what res will you be gaming at? IF its 1280 x 1024 or below 256 will be fine if its anything higher you will need a 512mb to make the most of may not need a 512mb gfx card so could spend the extra cash on the dual core :)

I was thinking about maybe going dual core, but I doubt I will use it enough. I just usualy surf the web, use photoshop sometimes and play games. I would consider it for my next upgrade in a year or two when most programs use it - but untill then I think I would rather spend my money on single core. Although for £100 more it isn't much.... hmmm!
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