dfgt don't bother with anything less
you don't want a wheel that feels like it came from a toy car and with no FFB
See if you can bag a second hand Microsoft Sidewinder wheel, I sold one a few years back for £50 - it was bashed to hell but still worked!
Still a fine wheel IMO, my other one is still going strong after years and years of major abuse.
go ebay pick up a dfgt 40-50 quid.
dfgt don't bother with anything less
you don't want a wheel that feels like it came from a toy car and with no FFB
+1 for the Driving force gt . Great wheel
DFGT or Thrustmaster F430, both sit at pretty much the point where anything worse you'd be better off with a pad.
The MS Wheel was ok when it was first released but it's been so far surpassed by the above it's not worth bothering with.