Thinking of buying a steering wheel

4 Feb 2014
Bordeaux, France
...and picking up Project Cars, but don't want to chuck loads of money into it as I probably won't use it that much. Are there any cheap-ish ones that are worth the money or are only the expensive ones worth getting?
See if you can bag a second hand Microsoft Sidewinder wheel, I sold one a few years back for £50 - it was bashed to hell but still worked!

Still a fine wheel IMO, my other one is still going strong after years and years of major abuse.
Dunno if they are still available but the Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience Racing Wheel 3-in-1 used to be fairly cheap and worked reasonably well.
Make sure you get the force feedback variant, the non one isn't anywhere near as good to use IMO.
thrustmaster f430 ffb

insidesimracing a well regarded site prefers this to the dfgt, and its slightly cheaper at least when i bought it.
DFGT or Thrustmaster F430, both sit at pretty much the point where anything worse you'd be better off with a pad.

The MS Wheel was ok when it was first released but it's been so far surpassed by the above it's not worth bothering with.
See if you can bag a second hand Microsoft Sidewinder wheel, I sold one a few years back for £50 - it was bashed to hell but still worked!

Still a fine wheel IMO, my other one is still going strong after years and years of major abuse.

Still use mine ! How old are they now ? FFB is actually very good still to this day and support for the wheel is still excellent . I got mine with monster truck madness 2 ! absolute quality wheel , without spending major money I still think there is very little that beats it
DFGT or Thrustmaster F430, both sit at pretty much the point where anything worse you'd be better off with a pad.

The MS Wheel was ok when it was first released but it's been so far surpassed by the above it's not worth bothering with.

DFGT is more widely used, most used wheel according to dirt rally stats so will likely be supported by games for many years to come on the pc
Got Project Cars during the sale. Don't have a wheel atm though there's a Microsoft Sidewinder wheel in the loft. It seems to have gameport connection. Is there any way to connect this to PC?
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