Thinking of getting an MMO

27 Oct 2003
East Mids.
Woke up stupidly early this morning and am now bored so I was thinking I wish I had an mmo to play. Had a look around and think I may gor guild wars as there is no monthly sub so if I don't like the game I can either sell it or stick it on the shelf with the other games I don't play.

Can someone who plays it tell me what it's like as a game and if it's reasonably easy to get into and play for an mmo noob.

its the easiest mmo to get into, and has no monthly subs...perfect.

Also the way the game is structured, it doesn't benefit you to play non stop all day, in WoW you can only get the best stuff if you play hours on a daily basis, which is why i gave it up, guild wars allows you to play however little you want, and still finish the game and buy an uber weapon/armour.

Tis real good fun, buy it now :p
/pedantic mode

It's not really an mmo though. The city areas are the only areas where everyone can mix. All the adventure areas are just you and your party.It's a 100% instanced game.

/pedantic mode off

Still a cracking game mind you :)
R0551 said:
Woke up stupidly early this morning and am now bored so I was thinking I wish I had an mmo to play. Had a look around and think I may gor guild wars as there is no monthly sub so if I don't like the game I can either sell it or stick it on the shelf with the other games I don't play.

Can someone who plays it tell me what it's like as a game and if it's reasonably easy to get into and play for an mmo noob.


World of Warcraft is a very good game, especially for "noobs" due to the way it introduces you to it's quest structure.

EVE Online is also another nice one and I'd be playing that if I wasn't into WoW at the moment.

Both games will take over a lot of your life though so just make sure you've informed your next-of-kin you're playing them! ;)
EVE Online is more "grown up" than most other MMORGS so if your over 18 I'd say go for that.
having SAID that, it does eat you up and spit you out quite fast, you need to have some time to read up about it etc, but unlike OTHER MMORGS you're not limited by the amount of time you can play, as skills train offline aswell as online.
so you can set a long skill training and leave it for a month and it will be just the same asif you played it for that amount of time,
drop me a line and I'll send you a buddy pass for the 14 day trial
How is WOW for someone who has played eve for two years? I can't say I really like the whole idea of grinding but I hear it's not so bad in WOW.

Been glancing over at it for a while but never really got beyond the odd look.
From what i've heard of EVE its has a very steep learning curve and is not very noobie friendly.

Must be popular for a reason though, but i'd still say Guild Wars is best if you just want a game to play casually and enjoy.

Anything with a monthly sub makes me feel guilty if i dont play it for a few weeks.
I've ordered Guild Wars:SE which should turn up hopefully by the end of the week.

VeNT said:
EVE Online is more "grown up" than most other MMORGS so if your over 18 I'd say go for that.
having SAID that, it does eat you up and spit you out quite fast, you need to have some time to read up about it etc, but unlike OTHER MMORGS you're not limited by the amount of time you can play, as skills train offline aswell as online.
so you can set a long skill training and leave it for a month and it will be just the same asif you played it for that amount of time,
drop me a line and I'll send you a buddy pass for the 14 day trial

Sent you an email dude.
chimaera said:
From what i've heard of EVE its has a very steep learning curve and is not very noobie friendly.

It is if you don't play through the whole tutorial missions at the beginning of the game, the whole point of those is to avoid that learning curve. :)
i first started MMO with Ultima Online and SWG, both where very good at the time although there are too many UO variants now and SWG is just PAP!!

GW, i bought it, i played it for about 3 weeks and got very bored very fast. There just isnt enough there to keep me playing, plus, as has been said, its not a proper MMO.

Matrix Online, played it for a week, boring and buggy.

COH/COV - i loved the game but it a must to get into a supergroup with people you like.

EVE - amazing game, i get a little bored now and again so i may not play it properly for about a month at a time but then i will be sucked in again for another 6 months. Ive been playing for about 18 months now, so its got to have something. The learning curve is steep, im still learning stuff now but you can get a full indepth knowledge of the game in 4-6 months if you really try. The tutorials dont cover everything so you will need to get into a decent carebear corp like OCUK.

Thats it i think for my MMO expereince, although ive probably missed some really bad ones off the list. Id go for EVE as it will last you a lot longer, but maybe wait until the summer is over :D Dont want to miss all the sun!
MNuTz said:
you can get a full indepth knowledge of the game in 4-6 months if you really try.

I appreciate everyone is different but that sentence would instantly put me off whatever game it was referring to :p

If i can't become moderatly good at a game within a few days of playing then its a waste of my valuable social time :o
Thing about Eve is, you could play it for a month and still not scratch the surface of what it's really about. It's the only mmo out there that lets you affect the balance of power in the whole galaxy.

The other night we had two people killed by a members of a friendly alliance. They claimed that one of our alliance members had podded (destroyed the escape pod) one of theirs, and they came down in force without waiting to go through diplomatic channels. In minutes the whole region came close to sliding into chaos because of one trigger happy moron.

Turned out later he wasn't trigger happy at all, he was a plant from an enemy alliance, trying to de-stabilise the region so that they could move in amid the ensuing chaos.

There isn't another mmo out there that even comes close to that kind of thing. The scope of what you can get up to is amazing.
Isn't EVE the one where a group of people spent almost a year infiltrating a corp to take it down and succeeding?
R0551 said:
Isn't EVE the one where a group of people spent almost a year infiltrating a corp to take it down and succeeding?
Yup, that was the Guiding Hand Social Club. I have a lot of respect for them simply because they do what they do so damn well.
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