Thinking of getting BF2, couple of questions

6 Nov 2002
London UK
A couple of years back I used to really be into Wolfenstein ET where I played on various servers with a group of mates but due to various reasons I stopped playing. Anyhow I’d now like to get back into a decent multiplayer game and I like the look of BF2, which I played a fair bit of in single player mode.

So a couple of questions before I decide to go out and pick up a copy:-

1) Is this game still popular and is it easy for a newbie to get into online (ie friendly servers that don’t mind people who aren’t pros)?
2) How’s the cheating with this game? One of the reasons why I stopped ET was the amount of people using hacks etc.
3) Do I need any expansion packs to be able to play on the majority of servers?

Cheers :)

EDIT: just realised I posted this in the wrong section, could a kind Don please move it, Thanks.
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Well I've been playing a few hours here and there and Christ how different is online compared to single player?

Even on the harder single player settings I do okay, but when playing online I seem to be getting ripped to shreds. Can sneak up behind someone else, unload a whole clip into them (without any effect it seems) then they turn around, one shot and I'm dead?!?!?

Same thing happing over long distances, other players taking me out whilst running with one shot. :(

When your points/experience increase does this improve accuracy or anything?
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