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Thinking of Giving up on AMD 390

31 Jan 2011
So i built the Mrs a new PC about 5-6 weeks ago, She loves it (spec it sig) however she and I am getting so frustrated with it. all im having is Driver issues with it. She mainly plays two games, Black Ops (new one) and GTA V. Now with the latest Crimson Cod plays fine however GTAV gets black patches all over the screen (i had another thread for this problem) and randomly the in game GPS does not work (purple line comes and goes) so i rolled back to Catalyst drivers and GTA V works fine again. But COD crashes out with e black screen.

So i have un installed fully with DDU etc and i can either get one or the other stable but cant get a single driver to play both games. Every Event viewer log claims the driver crashed but recovered. I have spoken to OCUK and they have set me up an RMA but i know they will test it on a bench and it will pass a few tests rather than be actual in game testing. they have said they can send it to MSI but it could take a month etc. Taking her GPU away for a month is just not really an option.

I really have come to the end of my tether with it as i get it in the ear every time it crashes.

So I have come to a cross road. Do i RMA the card to probably be told its software and nothing hardware related then be back at square one.

Sell the card and buy something else.

or Wait for the next update of crimson and see if it works. (is this likely to happen soon?)

I have spoken to AMD and they have said that i should just keep trying older drivers until i find a stable one then not upgrade to Crimson. This seems a bit of a cop out to me and does not solve the underlying issue.

So what i really want to determine is if its hardware fault or just a driver fault. Given the fact i can get the games to work changing drivers around im guessing its drivers?

I have put another Graphics card into her PC to eliminate issues and my 980 works perfectly in her machine.

at the moment a baseball bat seems appealing....
31 Jan 2011
im running 10 pro 64bit on both machines, Interestingly i get stutters on my 980 if i tab out then tab back in to games but if i tab out again then back in it goes. I can live with that. What i cant live with is the Mrs moaning lol. She has played Cod for the last 4 hours on the latest drivers fine (crimson) but GTA screws up instantly. I guess i will try keep rolling back and back. But how will i know when a new one works lol.
The new crimson layout is great i really like the interface its as good as Nvidia imo and thats certainly not perfect. I have had a bad driver from Nvidia but they seem a bit quicker at releasing another to patch it.
31 Jan 2011

I Have seemed to have fixed it, If i run the latest crimson drivers COD is fine then run Direct X 10.1 on GTA V it seems to run stable and fine. (was on Direct X 11) not sure what that is all about. I still get some random pixels doing odd things in menus of the game but its playable
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