Thinking of ordering...

22 Oct 2004
The following dvds tomorrow before i go work:
underworld evolution
once upon a time in china trilogy

cost me £43 but i heard there very good films what do you lot think?
Is hero Jet Lee?


Yeah it is,

Yeah its a pretty good film, the visuals are amazing the story is alright but the camera work and kung-fu shizzle more than make up for it. :)

Put it bluntly, a huge load better than Underworld, which is in my opinion, pretty dire. Infact I found it as bad as The Matrix [/controversial]
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It's not the kind of film to watch or appreciate on a plane so I think your opinion shouldn't be considered.
RoB- said:
It's not the kind of film to watch or appreciate on a plane so I think your opinion shouldn't be considered.
I appreciated Kate Beckinsale in leather. That's about all.
omg i just found out that prince of bel air is on dvd so now my list has changed:

Prince of bel-air season 1
once upon a time in china trilogy
right ive got a £10 left when i order the above ^^
this is what i could also get:
dances with woves/braveheart/master and commander boxset £9.99
equialberuim £6.99

so which one?
underworld was one of the worst films i ever saw at the flicks.

the end fight scene is so boring i was literally screaming for them to get on with it, i've seen a better fight with kids fighting over jam.
Underworld sucks ass.

It really is a very poor film.
I havnt seen the sequel as i couldnt sit throught the turgid dross that was the first one.
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