Thinking of selling my 300D and going for a Nikon..

hoodmeister said:
Seriously though, why do you want to switch?
Well to be perfectly honest I've become quite disillusioned with my 300D and I'm fed up with after every day's shooting having to go through most shots and lighten them in Photoshop.

Also, having spent an entire day on Sunday working with professional photographers, I've seen how good Nikons are. We were taking the photos off the CF card, checking them quickly (I think we lightened one shot the whole day), then making them available for the customers to buy. The image was then cropped and sent straight to the printer. No messing about.
Alright then! I suppose it was a bit rash to just decide to throw money at the problem! :)

I wrote my original post after spending a whole day working with a professional equestrian photographer who only shoots Nikon - and who had taken (and sold) hundreds of shots during the day without any adjustment whatsoever except cropping!

So.. would someone please point me in the direction of these 'custom curves' danza suggested loading?
As requested...

1. My image, shot in Shutter Priority (Tv) mode:


Shutter Speed: 1/3s
Lens Aperture: F/5.6
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Time: 1/2s
No Flash

2. Full Auto:


Shutter Speed: 1/60s
Lens Aperture: F/5.6
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Time: 1/60s
Flash Fired
Raymond Lin said:
Typo ?

And what am i looking for here?
Not a typo - save a copy of the image and check for yourself...

Fstop11 - I have run through the Adobe Gamma wizard which seems to have made a small difference. My monitor's colour temperature is 9300K - is that OK?
Right then, have just come back from taking a few (100+) shots of the mrs and her horses and I have to say that for the time being I am sticking to my 300D :)

I was using the 70-300mm lens and from what I've seen so far- the results from that kick the arse off the 18-55mm kit lens (which I was using in the pictures earlier).

I'll post up some examples once I've got them all off the camera.
MajorPart said:
Think they were tryuing to say that if you were to test the camera out with the lens you were having problems you should have used the kit lens outdoors not the one you did.. But to me it just backs up my advice the kit lenses are poor quality.

Is is a Sigma or Canon 70-300mm lens you have?
Right- I follow now :p

It's the Canon 70-300mm I've got- and it's producing much better shots than the kit lens. :)
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