Thinking of some kind of Private health care but a bit lost

5 Aug 2004
Evening all. I've been considering some kind of private health cover for a while but to be honest I'm a bit confused by which option is going to work out best for me. Is it any good? I've always been NHS boy in the past but I think I'd like to have the option of going private there for me and my family if necessary.

I can get 40% off Bupa plans through work, and also seriously reduced rates on a cash plan with another company. Typically do you need separate dental plans as well?

Slightly dumb questions maybe but i do want to take some advice on this as obviously it could be extremely important somewhere down the line so I'd love to hear any experiences you may have.
Typically you would need a separate plan.

The health cash plans (even with a discount) aren't especially good. They add a lot of hassle, and the benefit is simply that you don't have a large bill at any point, instead you get a small bill all the time. It's also the case that most people on the scheme will have a discount.

Bupa is more convenient, it's not necessarily better health care.

So for a lack of hassle, a Bupa plan would possibly be worth it? I understand that paying for private health care doesn't guarantee better care as the people working at the NHS are obviously highly skilled, however with private care I assume i would have more options open to me and possibly lower wait times etc?
I can see I'm going to need to put some more thought into this one, I'm leaning towards taking their Bupa Healthcare select 2 plan which covers for all but outpatient complementary medicines but it's not quite the cut and dried benefit i believed before asking on here. Thanks for advice so far guys.
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