Thirteen Senses - Why so underrated?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Why are these guys never played on the radio? They never get any attention either. Do they not have the stupid indie haircuts to justify radio attention or something?

I'm only whining because I just bought Contact (new album came out today) and I think it's really good. Much better than all these awful high-profile releases from bands like The Killers, Bloc Party etc
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I thought their last album was great, a little 'soppy!' but I liked it.:) This album doesnt seem as good as the last but I'll give it a try. Cheers for the heads up about the release.
I have their first album.

when I first heard them I thought it was a Swedish band I like called Kent, very similar style.

Therefore if you like Thirteen Senses, I suggest you get hold of the English version of Isola by Kent ;)
Guybrush said:
I have their first album.

when I first heard them I thought it was a Swedish band I like called Kent, very similar style.

Therefore if you like Thirteen Senses, I suggest you get hold of the English version of Isola by Kent ;)
It's all about Hagnasta Hill - although I'm not sure I'd quite put Kent and 13 Senses in the same box.
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