This BF2 thread just cracked me up :)

Well at least its not helicopterin

Trying to think what other games Ive seen this in, just hump the corpse as a symble of owning him.
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Thats funny, ive just realised that ive had it done to me, lol. There was this player sniping me every time I spawned, I eventually got him and when he was dead lying face up i unloaded the rest of my shotgun in his face, as if to say ha take that. Later on in the game he shot me dead and I was waiting for the same shooting me in the face treatment, but he just stood over me and proceeded to squat up and down on my face ,lol :D
Heh, I got teabagged to hell last night by one of the 50k members. I guess my claymore spamming kinda ****** him off :D
rofl i laughed so hard at this comment...

Apparently if the person you're teabagging is alive it's called 'Arabian Goggles' which is even funnier. If you can't work it out Google for it.

Only thing is that I can't see a prone sniper allowing an enemy to give him Arabian Goggles for long without severe repurcussions...
LOL,Thats it I gotta start doing this, maybe we could all do signature moves, how about copying Michael Jackson, (The dance that is, not the other things he does :eek: ,lol)
i do that in everygame. shooting the corpse after its dead, jumping up and down on it, latest is throwing them medic packs as they scream medic e.t.c e.t.c
I stand over the dead bodies auto messaging No Can Do then when they ask for a medic i auto message Negative. Been doing it ages and still laugh out loud every time. :D
The only thing i tend to do is switch to pistol and empty a clip into their heads if its been a particularly hard kill.
Yeah u know I get that all the time someone just stands over me or sits on top of me, I just thought hey maybe they just standing over me....but then I thought why this guy squating on my face and all I can see is pollyass ?

Guess its teabagging, guess theres still a lot of registered 12 year olds playing BF2.
Meh, i prefer shooting a medic, taking his kit to heal myself then kneeling and saying 'hey thanks...'.
OMGWTFBBQPWNDTBQFH! That is just not cricket! There was a guild in SWG called T-bag. I had a character for about 15months who got a full template jedi pre CU with the name of a pornstar rofl! Then someone reported it prob cause I t-bagged 'em. :p

"you got bagged" is a tottally awsome thing to say, i know im supposed to be mature these days and not find this funny but the next sniper i sneak up and hit with my defib paddles is definitely getting bagged just to finish off the kill ;)
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