This cannot be??

I thought the same when both his Albums sold so many copies. The guy is marketing gold.

Hell, if I was shot a gazillion times I'd be able to sell anything!
im sorry but i find this quite disturbing, i mean fantasy games like, Manhunt, get a right royal roasting??, and this erm game gloryfies thug life , greed etc, doesnt even get a whisper??
blueshift said:
im sorry but i find this quite disturbing, i mean fantasy games like, Manhunt, get a right royal roasting??, and this erm game gloryfies thug life , greed etc, doesnt even get a whisper??

Exactly. Serious double standards.
The game isn't the worst game ever, shows how far you can get with some clever marketing and a big name
While I was working for a well known high street retailer I think probably about 75 - 80% of the people brought this game back within 10 days, the others normally traded it in ;)
The real question is how many people bought the game purely for the exclusive music tracks that where included? Artificially boosting video game sales 4tl :rolleyes:
Kalsius said:
The real question is how many people bought the game purely for the exclusive music tracks that where included? Artificially boosting video game sales 4tl :rolleyes:
thing is the same could be said if it was quake 4 and had a popular band's music on there with exclusive tracks...
only thing he's doing atm is making a bucket load of cash for having a good marketing technique. its not like he's charging £10+ ontop of what other games/albums cost either
Same could be said for any game but it isn't common practice is it :D

Granted its good marketing, all I was pointing out was that the figures would not align themselves to other games as this was a 'bundle' and there where probably quite a few people who bought this bundle without even having a console to play the actual gameon.
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