This Evening In Brighton

28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
Well, it's my wifes Birthday in a week, so I went for a bit of shopping, then down to the sea front for some action!

1. Odeon Cinema Roof


2. Promenade


3. Palace Pier

4. Pier again


5. Beneath the pier - Longish exposure with camera balanced on my rucksack. Just as I stopped taking pics some cyclists went past and would've made an interesting shot for the motion comp. Also whilst I was there, 2 people took a whizz just to the left. It stank down there. :p


6. To prove that Brighton is full of nutters, this crazy girl ran into shot as I was speccing out the boat. She said "Take my picture"! So I did. She then ran off like a lunatic flailing and squealing

5. My Shadow


6. In the subway


7. More subway action


So, there they are. C&C my bad self by all means ;)
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Nice Pics :)

As a Brighton resident I know what you mean about the stink below the Palace pier. Phew!

Did you take any of the West Pier? Or Seagulls! :)
That subway lol, always wanted to avoid that. I rather wait for the signal on the traffic lights than go under there.

Nice pics :)
Sleepyd said:
I LOVE Brighton. Thanks for those, nice pics

It's great isn't it :D

I love the pictures of the pier, the seabed especially always looks great.

Raymond Lin said:
That subway lol, always wanted to avoid that. I rather wait for the signal on the traffic lights than go under there.

Nice pics :)

It smells of pee.
Pics look very familiar, you're brave taking pics of under the pier/the subway, they STINK and aren't the most friendly of places.

Sugar rush is lame.
Cheers for the comments guys. I noticed that the pictures are, in some at least a bit under-saturated. I'm not sure why, but they look better viewed in PS. :confused:

I went down the subway when it had only just got dark, so there weren't too many dodgy characters around ;)

I took some shots of the west pier, but it was a little too dark by the time I got back there for the pics to be of much use. I need an ND grad!
#4 for the win by far !! That's a great shot Danza.

I used to live in Brighton, you should stay when it's jsut getting darka nd you can get some great shots of the starlings making formations around the pier, it's really fantastic. Other than that I never really liked Brighton for photography wise... damn scaffolding everywhere !!!
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