This is for 16 - 17 year olds

30 Apr 2003
Ok how many of you meet all the following criteria (or did)

1, Fall into the age bracket
2, Go to college full time
3, Have a job (part time)

Im asking as my son is almost 17, goes to college and i keep badgering him to get a job but it seems to fall on deaf ears / he cant be bothered. I appreciate he goes to college and has that to contend with but i really cant see any reason why he couldnt do a partime job - its not like he doesnt have the time. The way i look at it, not only will it give him spending money and teach him a certain amount of finacial responsability it will also give some experience when he leaves college and needs a full time job. If anyone out there falls into the critera above please post your views.
30 Apr 2003
We have even gave him incentives, we would be willing to buy him a run around in the form of a car or a scooter if he gets a job........he was even talking about going away with the college during the summer but he need something like £200 deposit plus £1000 in sponsorship money. We were even prepaired to pay the deposit if he got a job to pay for his spending money but even that hasnt worked. I think our incentives have been pretty fair. He has a girlfriend and soon he is going to realise that it might just be nice to buy her something with is own hard earned money im sure.
30 Apr 2003
When I was at college full time between 16 and 18 I did indeed have a part time job, and believe that it's the right thing to do. It gets you used to a working lifestyle, provides cash and helps you meet a lot of new people. I certainly feel it benefited me :)

I have my Dad to thank for me actually going out and getting a job though, he basically provided an cash incentive. If I didn't get a job, he wouldn't give me any money for lunch at college nor any pocket money. If I did get a job, he'd give me £10 a week for lunch and £10 a week for pocket money. Obviously I weighed up the options and swiftly decided that £20 a week + whatever I earned working was far more attractive than loads of spare time and no cash. Maybe try something like this with your son?

That is excatly as it is now - pocket money stopped last month and no dinner money (told him to make and take sandwiches if he wants food). Weve also offered him things like buying him a car / scooter if he gets a job and contributes to the running of it.....
30 Apr 2003
You're from jarrow? What college does he goto?


Newcastle College, Rye hill.............Ive read all of the post so far and from what i see it would not harm his education one bit by getting a part time job and by part time i really mean part time like 1 or 2 days a week. Also from what has been said getting a job would only serve to benefit him and prepare him for the future.
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