This is not digital but 35mm

5 Aug 2013
Routing through some drawers today I came across my 35mm camera with film in it- Still some left so took a few -

Question is can you get 35mm developed and put on memory card and about how much.

I think I last used it in 1998 - Ricoh XR1 and also Hoya 135mm :)

Peak Imaging are incredibly expensive. Unless it's professional work, or stuff you want the absolute best quality out of, I'd go elsewhere.

I'll post the name of the one I used when I get home as I can't remember it right now. Most places will develop/scan them and put them onto a CD, not a memory card.

-edit- Photo Express. They're scanned at about 3000x2000 and I have no complaints about their service.
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My boots store in town does developing and has a pretty fast turn around dime. Like an hour to a few hours. Faster costs more.

But they also can put it on a cd for a few quid more. Think per film I paid a total of £6-8 for an hour development. May have been a little more. Still get the prints too.
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