This is why I hate Episode 1!

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Companies like Valve try and make these action/horror games more interactive and mentally challenging, but end up making a horrible mess of it. I'm stuck inside a dark, water-filled room with an electric box charging all the water. I've somehow go to turn on the switch, and then make my way to the other side whilst the electricity is active. The switch opens the door.

I've been trying this for 25 minutes now. I've tried destroying the box, propping up objects against the door in hope that they jam it open when I turn the switch back on, using the blue barrell (which obviously plays some sort of role in this) as an insulating float on the water. What else. Using the barrell as a stand to try and jump up on to the upper floor.

It's pathetic and I'm this (does the finger gesture) close to smashing the CD in half.

If they're going to do this in games, they should at least provide some sort of hint, or make more than one possible solution.
WTF. I didn't know you can walk through a bolt of electricity.

That is pathetic. How the hell are you meant to figure that out?
Tesco said:
Its called a puzzle....the game is not pathetic but you are for posting this idiotic crap. Just because you cant figure out a solution dont lay into the company for making a game more interesting....and yes it took me about 10 mins to figure it out and yes I do enjoy these brain teasers in games!

Well I'm afraid not all of us have your immense brain power and after 25 minutes, enough is enough. Furthermore, it isn't "more interesting" - that scenario was absolutely identical to all the other 'puzzles' in the origional HL2 game. The fact is I overlooked it and tried far more difficult stuff when the answer was simple.
Phil99 said:
Yeah, but if they make everything blatently obvious what's the point of "playing" the game other than to sit back and admire the graphics?

I'd rather have a slightly challenging game where if I get really stuck I can ask someone how they did it/look it up on the 'net than one where it's so easy I complete it in a couple of hours without thinking about anything.

In an ideal world, the game shold have a mechanism that detects if the player is getting stuck, and then it reacts accordingly. For example, Alex could have shouted down a hint or clue.
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