this made me angry!

So has she escaped prosecution completely, or just avoided a death by dangerous/careless driving charge?

Not sure the Daily Fail needed to mention that she was Lesbian, as they say 'a picture speaks a thousand words'.
You need to remember that you are reading the Daily Mail; they excel in telling you what to be angry about.

The motorcycle was a silver Honda CBF 1000cc. Sergeant Paul James, the traffic officer at the scene, said: “The motorcyclist was travelling from Canford Bottom roundabout, east towards Ringwood. There was moderate traffic travelling at about 30mph.

“The car driver stopped at the junction from Uddens Drive and looked both ways.

“She saw a big gap and pulled out in order to turn right.

“At the same time the motorbike has started to overtake two cars and a van.

“All said he was travelling at an appropriate speed and manner.

“It appears that he was overtaking the vehicles as the car pulled out.” Sergeant James said there were five witnesses to the collision but that police were appealing for anyone who may have seen the vehicles prior to the incident to contact them.

Look at it from the car's point of view. Big gap, so went to pull out - at the same time, the biker chose to overtake 3 vehicles. Yes, she should've looked again but also he shouldn't have been overtaking at a junction where there is traffic waiting.

I think these are the reasons why the car driver hasn't been prosecuted further. I'm in no way saying that he 'deserved it', or the car driver is free from blame - but as always, there are two sides and the Daily Mail will only give you the side that it knows will provoke a reaction.

The fact that she lied in statements calls her judgement into question, and I do hope she's seen repercussions from that at work.
Thanks for that GeX. After a read of the Fail article yesterday I decided to run away before finding out the truth. It has only strengthened my distaste for the despicable Daily Mail.
I very much doubt most mobile phone speakers would have been loud enough for her to use it in her lap in a small car like a 206..
Plus the loud speaker is normally on the back of mobile phones so it would have been facing down into her lap..

if it was possible to use mobile phones like this then why would people buy handfree kits for cars...;)
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I very much doubt most mobile phone speakers would have been loud enough for her to use it in her lap in a small car like a 206..
Plus the loud speaker is normally on the back of mobile phones so it would have been facing down into her lap..

if it was possible to use mobile phones like this then why would people buy handfree kits for cars...;)

Problem is she lied and they cant prove otherwise so she is free.
While lying is unforgivable, and she's rightly lost her position as a special constable for it, there's insufficient evidence that she committed the offence of driving using a mobile phone, and whilst it could have been a contributory factor in the accident, it was not the cause. Witnesses state that her driving was safe and the manouver perfectly acceptable. The van the motorcyclist was overtaking hid him from her view.

As for "cops looking after cops", the police passed all the evidence to the CPS, who decided not to prosecute. The police then appealed that decision.
Thanks for that GeX. After a read of the Fail article yesterday I decided to run away before finding out the truth. It has only strengthened my distaste for the despicable Daily Mail.

When it comes to the Mail, allways go out of your way to find another source ( or 2 ) for the story there running, as they have got to be one of the most manipulative, dishonest, rags out there.
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