This man tried to kill my brother

11 Feb 2004

When I was a kid and my brother was about 17 we referred to man we knew as the “the bogeyman”.
This post is a really short version about this man who’s real name is “Akinwale Arobieke”.

PS- my brother isnt documented in this article but one day this man dragged my brother behind some garages and was about to kill him with a knife until this mad man slipped over and my brother broke free and ran home.

(quote from the article linked)

“In its most basic form, the story is of a sexual predator who attacks and/or captures school children and carves the initials "P.A." into their buttocks.”

benneh said:
Dude purple aki is a local legend here (ninja edit, not in a good way!).

I actually know a few different people who have been 'purple aki'd' - which locally means to have had him come up to you, talk to you aggressively and then feel your muscles (yes, feel your muscles!).

I see him in aigburth from time to time, everyone avoid maccy d's!.

I'm glad to replied to this thread benneh as i know some would find a story like this to be true.

he was once takin into police cells and battered(sp?) with a sack of full coke cans and he didnt go down. this man was pretty tough. :eek:
stevechapman said:
Why was he going to kill your brother?

Wasn't he just going to carva PA in his bum?

for legal reason i cant divulge any more info.
some of the things included this man comming to our house and had a friend of my brothers at knife point.
he also used to phone us up and say " soon, very soon you will die" WTF!!
ojo said:
Ahhh Purple Aki - olympic bodybuilder and can outrun any kid on the planet (a Bodybuilder who can run fast?). He follows you about, bums you and kills you. He is so black he is purple... heared 'em all before. Everybody's bro has been threatened by Purple Aki!

Okay he does exist but he is not the legend people make out :p

i guess when my brother was in court fighting a case against him we all imagined it then ;)
Kronologic said:
So based on this thread everyone that lives/lived in and around Liverpool in the last 20 years has infact met, been chased by, touched or threatened by Purple Aki.

Oh BTW benneh you should have gone up to this would be purple Aki and said "Excuse me sir, you wouldn't be Purple Aki by any chance"..." The reason I ask is you are a local legend and I would be honoured if you would...**chose from the following**"

A Touch my Muscles

B let me touch your Muscles

C Sign my Arse


D. sign into overclockers an answer for yourself
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