This strap, is it ok?

Thanks guys. Raymond, yeah, I hear what you're saying but I don't mind the 5D 2 logo.
Hmm, not sure I want to spend too much on a strap, just enough that it won't crap out on me and holds the camera safely.

I'm getting excited now as DPD are delivering lenses in the next hour. Hoping the camera is in that delivery. :)
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The leather strap I got is actually my favourite, I picked it up in Hong Kong but I think you can find it on eBay. It’s nothing special, simple and real leather. It works. PD straps I don’t like the attachments, they “rattle”.

If it fits the 5D 2, what leather strap is yours, or any chance you can find me a link me to the same strap so I can see how much it is?

Well everything just arrived! And your cf card. :) All looks great, really happy with the condition of the camera now that I have it here, there's no paint worn off anywhere. Only a tiny tiny bit around one of the strap mounts, barely noticeable. And just a few scuffs on the LCD screen which I knew about. Definitely the best of all the ones they had left below £400.

Focus ring and the other ring on the Tamron lens very smooth. Considering the low price for this lot, under £600, I think it's a good buy.



I made one mistake though. I always thought the polariser filter thread for the 50mm lens should be 49mm, but I had read somewhere it's 52mm and that's what I bought. But the 50mm lens has a 49mm thread! Not sure it's worth returning it or just buying a 49 to 52mm step up ring?
Is this your first foray into photography? If so then congrats and I hope you enjoy - I miss not knowing anything :p, for me the learning is half the fun and thankfully it's a never ending adventure.
Anyhow in relation to your OP, a phrase that comes to mind 'is you can spot a pro photographer a mile away as they have generic/third party straps!'

Hah, nice quote. :D Yes, my first foray into photography. Looking forward to seeing if I can learn to take photos that might be worthy of posting in this forum sometime.
Almost £2K! Thanks for steering me, Raymond. Apparently Obama's inauguration photo was taken with the mk 2.
Just charging the battery as it's dead and then I can have a play around with the camera. It's really solid isn't it and quite weighty. I thought I'd threaded the 50mm lens as I couldn't get it off until I realised I have to press the DOF button.
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