This years Top 100 sexiest women

She did look like Ms Portman in one of the new Star Wars films as she was one of the hand maidens :D

Keira is very pretty but she has a breast problem, Scarlett Johansson is more my type.
Number 45 (I won't even say the bint's name) is an absolute travesty. She shouldn't even be in a top 1,000,000 sexiest women, let alone halfway up a top 100 :mad:
Uhhh what??:eek: Keira the number one sexiest woman in the world??. I definitely wouldnt class her as the sexiest woman in the world, there are much better looking lasses out there than her. Must be still riding the popularity of that crap movie Pride and Prejudice by the looks of it :p.

Minger tbh, skinny and no boobs...if anyone needed a boob job it would be that bint :p
She doesn't have the curves to hold that title. Though saying that I still would. And not out of pity either.

If you don't like that you are clearly some sort of gayer. ;)
For me thats spot on. My top 5 would be

1. Keira Knightley
2. Jennifer Aniston
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Cheryl Tweedy
5. Rachel Stevens

GuruJockStrap said:
Lovely face but far too skinny.

Agreed and not forgetting she has no boobs:p. But then different strokes for different folks, personally i think id break her in half and that really doesnt appeal to me:(.
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