Thor Inspired Fitness and log

14 May 2012

I'm not to sure where to start so im just gonna jump right in. Okay maybe a little bit of a skip-able story. Yesterday I was watching Thor and thought to myself it wouldn't be bad looking like that and I have the large build in order to make it work. I just gotta figure out what to do in terms of routine and diet so this is where i have come to talk it over and log progress.

I figured it would be a good idea to upload a image of where i am now and my goal of where i want to be so here it is.

Side note the picture of be wasn't resized to proportion but you can see i need work

So since it was Thor inspired i figured i would share the Thor workout he did prior to the film and see peoples view on it if its worth just sticking to what he did or if i needed to work on other areas in order to get the desired effect.

The Thor Workout - Part 1
This workout was designed in order to put on muscle.

Week 1
Sets 4 Reps 4-6
Week 2
Sets 4 Reps 6-8
Week 3
Sets 4 Reps 8-12
Week 4
Sets 4 Reps 4-6
Repeat for weeks five to eight

Session 1
Chest and Back
Bench Press
Bent-over row
Weighted Pull-up
Weighted dip

Session 2
Hamstring Curl

Session 3
Arms and Shoulders
Overhead press if failing push press
arms supersets
Close-grip bench press
Hammer curls
Overhead tricept extension
Ez bar curls

The Thor Workout - Part 2
This workout was created in order to cut fat but not lose muscle.

Circuit 1
(20sec on / 10sec off)
Double kettlebell squat - Four rounds
Snatch - Eight Rounds

Circuit 2
Kettlebell swing.
30 sec two-hand
30 sec right-hand only
30 sec left-hand only
30 sec alternative swings

5 right, 5 left
4 right, 4 left
3 right, 3 left
2 right, 2 left
1 right, 1 left
Now back up to 5 for a total of 60 non-stop reps.

Circuit 3
Turkish get-up - 5min continous
Windmill - 5 each side

The Diet

Now this is the part I am well and truly clueless about so I would ask if anyone is currently on a similar mission like mine and to share there diet plans. I will update this section once a suitable one has been suggested for anyone who would like to try get fit like Thor.

The second part would also be a question of suitable supplements to take such as protein powder.

My Questions.
To summarise i shall just ask a few questions as to not drag this post out.

1, Would you say the Thor workout will give desired results?
2, Can you suggest a diet and/or supplements.
3, How long would you estimate to reach such results?
4, Will this workout help bring my stomach in and make it flat along with my man boobs or will i need to specifically target those areas?
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1) yes, given a lot of time. Possibly 18 months. Given an awesome diet and rigid training. And much more core work. Get planking.
2) a clean diet. Cut the carbs, booze and **** out. List out a food diary for a week and we'll see.
3) 18 months maybe.
4) you need to cut weight across the board by lifting. Once the flab is in check, you can start bulking in a controlled manner.

The Thor 'look' is a result of a huge amount of hard work, graft and clean eating. And then cutting to get the 'ripped' abs/pecs. Kai on these forums as made a similar journey (without the initial weightloss) and has the magazine look now after many months of REALLY hard work and strict diet management.

Another thing to bear in mind that these actors may manage to achieve their physiques with additional 'supplements' that joe average probably shouldn't go anywhere near. You - and probably most people on this forum - probably don't need protein powders or anything like that if you have a decent diet. So forget supplements for now.

For you:

1) food diary
2) working out how hard you want to hit this
Also the Thor actor more than likely was taking some testosterone to achieve results, it's very common for actor to do this.
Wow that's quite a impressive transformation from Kai. Ill get reading his threads see what i can take from it in order to create a plan.
Also the Thor actor more than likely was taking some testosterone to achieve results, it's very common for actor to do this.

Yeah, it's depressing in a way, but then I suppose for them it may even not be too different to using hair dye.

For the rest of us, it's graft.

When you see Kai's regime, you'll see what I mean.
Workout 3 should be :

Session 3
Arms and shoulders
overhead press, start strict then when failing do a couple of push press to finish the set
face pulls
arms supersets
Close-grip bench press + hammer curls
overhead tri extension + ez bar curls

Otherwise, thats not a bad simple routine tbh :)
If that kind of transformation was achievable natty (in 18 months!) everyone would look like Thor. Honestly I would say that's a good 3-5 years of solid progress from your current physique. Don't forget he's like 6'4" aswell.

If you see Chris Hemsworth literally months before and after Thor & The Avengers in movies like Star Trek or Cabin in The Woods you can see how dramatic the weight change is.
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If that kind of transformation was achievable natty (in 18 months!) everyone would look like Thor. Honestly I would say that's a good 3-5 years of solid progress from your current physique. Don't forget he's like 6'4" aswell.

If you see Chris Hemsworth literally months before and after Thor & The Avengers in movies like Star Trek or Cabin in The Woods you can see how dramatic the weight change is.

Given the right everything, it is possible without 'supplementation', hence the question to the OP about how hard he wants to hit this.
Workout 3 should be :

Session 3
Arms and shoulders
overhead press, start strict then when failing do a couple of push press to finish the set
face pulls
arms supersets
Close-grip bench press + hammer curls
overhead tri extension + ez bar curls

Otherwise, thats not a bad simple routine tbh :)

Added quite a bit there but shoulders is something I have been wanting to target. Looks like im gonna need to learn some new moves.

Given the right everything, it is possible without 'supplementation', hence the question to the OP about how hard he wants to hit this.

Well I do plan on hitting this pretty hard its just knowing what to do which is difficult such as what to eat and what exercises to perform but I plan on doing all my research and such in order to really start on monday. I know that makes it seems like im holding out but i have been working out and trying to eat better its just becoming a strict regime i plan on starting on monday as to be able to record the results.

Also why do i need to keep in mind that he is 6'4" how does that effect things? personally im 6'1".
Added quite a bit there but shoulders is something I have been wanting to target. Looks like im gonna need to learn some new moves.

Well, if you look at Chris Hemsworth's physique, you'll notice his shoulders are pretty big. They need a good strong back to work with...

Well I do plan on hitting this pretty hard its just knowing what to do which is difficult such as what to eat and what exercises to perform but I plan on doing all my research and such in order to really start on monday. I know that makes it seems like im holding out but i have been working out and trying to eat better its just becoming a strict regime i plan on starting on monday as to be able to record the results.

Yes and no - there is never too early a point to start. And if you're "trying" to eat better, you're probably failing. Sounds harsh, but I think you're going to need a lot of help with your diet and support with your training to get where you want to be. But that's what this forum is for - ask away! And start by posting your CURRENT diet up. :)

Also why do i need to keep in mind that he is 6'4" how does that effect things? personally im 6'1".

Because he's a big lad, and will, therefore, need even bigger muscles to look big!
Saw some 28 day muscle routine in mens health (not a regular reader, was waiting all day in a shopping centre for my car to be done) and what surprised me was the number of supplements it said you needed.

Plus all the examples it showed were pretty fit to start with, so not too relevant for you, but they did say the supplements were necessary to manage the fast results they promised.
While going through Kai's diet he uses a lot of supplements and I plan on using some myself just need to know what to take and when kinda thing. I currently have Cod liver oil and Flax seed both 1000mg.

Another thing I have is protein I currently use Maximuscle Promax Diet in half doses as I figure my current regime doesn't need a full dose. The second protein I have but have not used is MyProtein Impact Whey.
Here's my diet if it helps. Should give you an idea of how to start.

Thanks a lot LiE i think working out a diet is my biggest challange so far as i really need to concentrate on weight loss before going for definition. I was looking at Kai's remodel'd meal plan by Steedie pretty similiar to your own except chicken instead of burgers i was thinking if it would be suitable for my needs.

Are these diets designed for everyday use with 3-4 workouts a week or are they based soley on workout days with none protein shakes for days without workouts?
If you're able to, stick to the same reduced calorie diet every day. To lose weight you'll want to work out your BMR first, then calculate how much you'll need to lose weight.

Then use this to work out how much you're body needs to maintain with exercise - (I use 1.55 in my spreadsheet)

With the figure you'll want to drop it by about 500 cals or 15-20%

So for example, my BMR is 1911, multiply that by my activity level of 1.55 and that gives 2962 to maintain while exercising. For me to lose weight, I would go with 2962 - 500 = 2462.

Stick with your diet for several weeks, and weigh yourself at the same time (usually first thing in the morning post toilet). If you see a small decrease in weight that's good, stick with the calories/exercises. If you're not dropping weight drop the cals by a few hundred and monitor. You want to avoid losing too much per week (can't remember the ideal amount, I think it's about 1lb per week).
Just to be clear: you do not need supplements[\b].

People use them as a choice of approach: there is very little science behind any of them. People take protein shakes as a way of getting psychological control over their diet, but there is no evidence to show that extra supplements work in adults with healthy, balanced and appropriate diets.

Kai's diet was/is one way of doing things. The basic premise of the two phases your diet will have to go through is a calorie deficit (to shed the weight) and then a calorie excess (to gain weigh, or a bulk). there will probably be a third to achieve the look you want, which will be an end-stage very controlled calorie deficit to get you to a low (~8%) body fat percentage, called a cut.

You must also bear in mind that you are a fair bit taller than Kai, and so your diet will have to be different in scale, as much as anything else.
Alright so time to start eating right so first off my calorie deficit diet using the links LiE provided I have worked out my BMR is 2246.72 so using the second link im up to 3482.416 with the 1.55 activity level so ill drop that 600 calories for now.

So I now need a diet that delivers ~2882 cals, But don't i need to take in fat and protein amounts into account when creating a diet? would it be a good idea to take a protein shake every also as to not lose muscle mass?
Saw some 28 day muscle routine in mens health (not a regular reader, was waiting all day in a shopping centre for my car to be done) and what surprised me was the number of supplements it said you needed.

Plus all the examples it showed were pretty fit to start with, so not too relevant for you, but they did say the supplements were necessary to manage the fast results they promised.

That's marketing for you :)

And yes, their routines will work.... if you are nearly at your goal already.
None of them are making huge gains or big losses of fat in such short periods of time.
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