Those laser cleaners for blu/dvd player?

2 Jul 2019
Those laser/lens cleaners for disc players worth a punt?

I've got an old Sony bluray player (8yrs old?) and was ex-display then. Picked it up just before the HMV liquidation came in via some vouchers i had.

On majority of DVDs watched recently once or twice during viewing during a normal chapter change (not using remote, normal viewing), there's millisecond stutter. I did have one dvd with an immaculate looking disk refuse to play a minute of one chapter and it hung up for a minute.

I'm not against buying a new player, but what is the likely hood of these <£10 cleaners solving my problem?
Honestly - Slim.

You have a tiny brush embedded in the disc surface which is supposed to bat away the dust from the lens. That's fine in principle but dust isn't the only airborne pollutant. There's also going to be stuff in the air that makes the lens very slightly sticky. The brush will struggle to deal with that. A better solution is to whip the top of the player off and clean the laser lens with a cotton bud dipped in isopropanol alcohol.

The other issue is the laser output dropping off as the electronics age. There's a finite life to the emitters.

I would do the cotton bud clean, and if that doesn't work then look at a new player.
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