Those Spinal Tap/Bad News moments

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Loads of us play in bands on here or perhaps you saw something funny at a gig.
So whats your Spinal Tap/Bad News moment?

I've got a few but last night was a good one.
We played in Crewe last night and looking at the board outside showed that friday nights was rock night and sat night was solo singer night.
Lets just say that come the end of the night there was the bar staff and a bloke with his dog. The dog also kept coming up to me and licking my legs.
They did give us 3 gigs for a friday though so all wasn't too bad.

In the late 70's/early 80's Saxon were a well known rock band and according to the Spinal Tap writers they were the reason for Spinal Tap. However, they didn't witness a brilliant Spinal Tap'ism.
All of Saxon had long flowing locks and a lad jumped on the stage and grabbed the baseball cap of Biff the singer. Somebody else ran on and grabbed the baseball cap off one of the guitarists. A third ran on and grabbed the baseball cap off the other guitarist (Graham Oliver!) and off came his wig with it :eek:
He ended up running off the stage and stayed away for three songs.
At that moment it was funny but Biff announced that he was having cancer treatment and he came back on with bald head to a standing ovation.

I've got 100's so lets hear some of yours.
I was doing a gig a couple of years ago in Macclesfield and I had a tummy bug.
After about 3 songs i ran out of the door into the back alley and proceeded to vomit. I came back in and the audience were laughing at me. 3 songs later I was back out again and talking while I was vomiting eg Oh god, Why me? etc.
I go back in and everybodys smiling again. This happens a third time but nothings coming out and I'm now swearing and heaving quite badly. I go back in and finish the set off.
Two punters come up to me and said it was one of the funniest things they had ever heard and I was puzzled.
It then dawned on me that I had taken my radio mic out with me and the whole pub heard me praying to the vomit God :D
About 3 years ago we did a Biker Rally called the Frozen Nuts in Derby and a band supported us. After about 20 minutes the bikers picked their gear up and put it outside in the snow :D
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